zero sequence

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electricalperson said:
i was just curious because i heard people talking about doing a zero sequence test to find a problem ...
Really? Are you sure they didn't mean fall of potential test?

Perhaps you're thinking about the zero sequence GFPE mehtod to operate the GFP relay?
mdshunk said:
Oh, okay. That clears it up.

Put an amprobe around all the hots and the neutral for each feeder. It should read 'zero'. If it doesn't, then current is passing someplace other than the neutral for that feeder.
so take a flexible amprobe CT and wrap it around all the feeder conductors? sounds easy..just now i need to buy an amprobe that can take a flexible lead:grin:
The test is performed when trying to locate the source of neutral to ground connections. When taking measurements on all four conductors the reading should equal "0" (zero) or close to this. When there is ground current, taking these readings at each panel can help isolate the source.
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