Zig-Zag Transformer

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I don't know enough about a Zig-Zag transformer and how one is wired so here is my question:

I essance the Zig-Zag is being used to get a neutral wire which inturn is hooked to a High-Resistance Ground. This transformer is on the load side of a delta-delta transformer with 10 sets of conductors. I am told the Zig-Zag is small and could not possibly handle 10 set of conductors. Is possible to only run one set of phase wire to the Zig-Zag transformer to get a neutral.
I am very confused by this arrangement.

Dan Craven
You can think of a zigzag transformer as a way to get an artificial 'star point' on a delta winding. The windings of the zigzag transformer don't pass a current (other than the magnetising current) under normal conditions - only under fault conditions so it only needs to have a small rating.

You don't need to connect the zigzag transformer inline with the main current carrying wires - the only requirement is that is connected to the delta winding ... you could think of the zigzag as just another load on the main transformer.

So, to answer your question ... yes, could can run only one set of wires to the zigzag transformer and it will work just fine.

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