Current through body on an ungrounded system

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Senior Member
That was over 41 years ago. That cantankerous lineman/relay tech/ electrician was a couple months from retiring. We were working on 1920 vintage voltage regulators with ungrounded 440V delta control power. The regulator's meters and controls were mounted on a marble slab with the power and control wiring connected to studs that extended through holes in the marble. After the regulator was supposedly cleared, he handed me a wrench and pointed at the connections to break open. I took the hit from my right palm to the upper arm which was touching a support. Nothing through the heart. Fortunately there was no tissue damage just pain and bruises from slamming into the railing behind me. I don't recall any near-miss investigation. He did retire that summer.

I learned a lot. (Maybe there was brain damage-which would explain why I post so much.)

Forum rules prevent from me saying what I want to in response to this guy, so I will say this:


My apologies to the member I replied to, what I meant to say was that I want to cuss out anyone who would get someone intentially shocked.

I am sorry it came out wrong. I really gotta pay more attention.


New Jersey
I was trained in Navy to assume 300 ohms for worst case body resistance, so we went for 30 volts as the limit due to the 100 milliamp threshold. I got shocked a few times by ungrounded ~260Vac...(we generated 450V 3 phase) fortunately they were ideal cases where I was standing on rubber matting and not steel. just shook it off and suffered no ill effects. worst shock I ever took was from DC when working on a air filter precipitator power supply, meggered a big cap in the power supply and forgot to discharge it again upon completion of test. put cap wires on simultaneously w/both hands and got hung up as my field of vision shrank and everything turned gray. the cap finally discharged enough that I let go. thought I was going to die. very good lesson, fortunately I lived thru my stupidity.,
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