Metering Options

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Senior Member
I have a customer that wants a couple outlets put in a storage space he rents. He wanted an idea for a cheap metering option to record his usage in case the owner comes back later and tries to hit him for costs. It will be just one circuit tapped off some existing receps. outside his space. Any ideas?




It will be a lot cheaper to guess than to meter. The meter owner must agree in advance to the fee or it's stealing power, a pretty deep hole to fall into.

Offer the guy with the utility meter 10 dollars monthly for kwh to tap the circuit and run a light, radio, or power tool occasionally. If the bill goes up more than 10 dollars monthly, an adjustment can be made. I would not depend on the submeter after the fact, asking for trouble. Make a fair agreement now with a guesstimate for kwh and get a little farther down the road.

Otherwise he should spend his money on cordless lights and tools.
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