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Can romex be pulled in conduit? I couldn't find a section in the 2005 NEC that prohibits this but for some reason I think that it is not permitted because of overheating concerns.

If it's not prohibited was it at one time?


Senior Member
I think we've touched on this before and before a moderator closes this thread, I would probably do a search for this thread.

The answer is it isn't prohibited by the NEC (to my dim recollection) but if the conduit is in a wet enviroment, it needs to be UF.


Senior Member
It can, but when you do a raceway fill calc, you'll find it fills up really fast.

I only use a raceway as a sleeve, say for a furnace or sump pump drop in the basement.

tom baker

First Chief Moderator & NEC Expert
Staff member
Bremerton, Washington
Master Electrician
The 2005 NEC clarifed when a cable can be run in a raceway.
The raceway article will state when allowed. The fill for NM cable is based on the large diameter, or width.

Wes Smith

Northern KY
I don't have a code book in front of me, but I believe if you look at the beginning of the conduit fill section you will find that if you installl it in a complete conduit system it cannot consume more than 53% of the conduit.

peter d

Senior Member
New England
iwire said:
Yes I believe it is the official cable of Satan. :grin:

For sure. It's not so bad when it's sitting harmlessly on a pallet in a supply house, but once you put it in a commercial building or above a suspended ceiling, watch out!!


I don't intend to nor ever have pulled romex in conduit for any reason other than a sleeve. Honestly, I don't do much residential work so romex is not something I am too concerned with. The question was brought to me, I could not find any section that prohibited installing in conduit so I posted the question here.

I am not a fan of romex or for that matter AC or MC cable. I prefer the "old" conduit and wire methods especially since on most of my job sites I eventually return and it's always nice to have conduit already installed to add conductors too.

peter d

Senior Member
New England
stevee said:
I am not a fan of romex or for that matter AC or MC cable. I prefer the "old" conduit and wire methods especially since on most of my job sites I eventually return and it's always nice to have conduit already installed to add conductors too.

I can only guess that you're from the Chicago area?

Jim W in Tampa

Senior Member
Tampa Florida
stevee said:
I don't intend to nor ever have pulled romex in conduit for any reason other than a sleeve. Honestly, I don't do much residential work so romex is not something I am too concerned with. The question was brought to me, I could not find any section that prohibited installing in conduit so I posted the question here.

I am not a fan of romex or for that matter AC or MC cable. I prefer the "old" conduit and wire methods especially since on most of my job sites I eventually return and it's always nice to have conduit already installed to add conductors too.

Well start liking mc.Its just about all your gonna see
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