What's the name of this.kind connector holds the bx cable

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That small one crimps the cable

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I doubt you can buy them but I'm not sure. See if Garvin 52151-BX could work for you......assuming you don't mind buying a box with connectors in them.
I suspect those would only be a part of a listed assembly and not available as an individual item.

Not the wire nuts...... the connection that holds the BX cable to the box.

Sent from MyOuthouse using Toilet Paper
That's the problem, this junction box does not come with any 1/2KO, only the small hole like normal outlet box, however, without any clamp inside

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I'm lost. You have a junction box that requires an über-special connector just to wire it?

Suppose you had NM cable, or EMT?
I am using bx.cable, but the hole is too small for a regular connector and there is no clamp inside to tight the bx cable so i may need this small connector to fit the small hole

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From the spec sheet:

Junction Box : 4 gauge pre-wired aluminum Junction Box. 4 cubic-inch for a maximum of (4) #12 AWG wires. (2) 1/4” Romex knock-outs. Remove covers for easy access and ground wire. 1/2” Pipe or Flex-Conduit (LITON#PCT031) Fitting Adaptor should be used. Consult Factory.
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