It might be easier to do all AFCI/GFCI vs figure out what isn’t required to be.By 2020 standards finished basements will require AFCI/GFCI protection??
If a basement is "Sort of" Finished. I mean fully carpeted on floor but walls are cement with curtain over them and they are living in beds and watching tv and stuff down there are GFCI outlets required ?
By 2020 standards finished basements will require AFCI/GFCI protection??
But I still find it stupid they made that change. A finished room with carpet or other non conductive floor is no more shock hazard than if on an upper level. A house on a slab is no different either.
I think basements are a little more prone to flooding than other rooms above grade. This may be the reason for required GFCI protection.
Yes that, or either so someone can sell more GFCI's
I'd consider a switch to a resistance grounded system and everything GFCI protected a worthwhile improvement. But not enough to be required; simply something that should be permitted.
Apparently "unfinished" is no longer in 210.8(A)(5)?
Somebody want to specify where in 2020 a finished basement, a habitable room with heat, etc, requires GFCI?
I think basements are a little more prone to flooding than other rooms above grade. This may be the reason for required GFCI protection.
210.8(A)(5) no longer contains the word "unfinished".