Cable Cutters

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Senior Member
Austin, TX
I have a large job in progress that will require cutting large diameter copper wire (4/0 through 500 KCMIL) many times and was trying to cut labor costs and provide better access to make the cuts by purchasing a greenlee gator-battery powered cable cutter with the open jaws but when my boss saw the price, he wanted to know if it were possible to purchase a cable cutter powered with 120 volts so I googled it and see that there are some other closed-jaw models available, unfortunately, they still cost over $2000. Any suggestions?
Get one of these:


And then get a guy with arms like this:


Problem solved.


Seriously, though, unless physcially having enough room to use it is a problem, cutting #4/0 through 500 MCM with a regular cable cutter isn't that hard. I've cut 750 MCM several times before and I'm an engineering nerd.
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I have a large job in progress that will require cutting large diameter copper wire (4/0 through 500 KCMIL) many times and was trying to cut labor costs and provide better access to make the cuts by purchasing a greenlee gator-battery powered cable cutter with the open jaws but when my boss saw the price, he wanted to know if it were possible to purchase a cable cutter powered with 120 volts so I googled it and see that there are some other closed-jaw models available, unfortunately, they still cost over $2000. Any suggestions?

these work excellently, but again, aren't cheap. they are i think around


here's a link...
I can guarentee you that a "pie" knife is much better then anything else you can purchase. Unless you are cutting wire larger then 750 copper a pie knife will go right through it.

The guys in the field always think you need to buy them expensive and fancy cable cutters.

A pie knife is faster and cheaper and less maintance, why would you buy anything else.
I was about to suggest ratchet cutters as well. Our linemen have them and some of our underground crews have the short ones to use in manholes. :)
Okay, I have to admit, I have never heard of a "pie knife" or "big bunny ears" as being related to cable cutters, how about some pictures....
Lennox makes one that fits in my cordless sawzall and it's about five bucks I think, Just kidding, I saw that Ideal one today and it's pretty heavy when it's hooked onto the drill.

the ideal one will also go in reverse, but i agree that it is heavy. Ideal rep. brought one in to test out about 2-3 yrs ago.
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