How long you been in the trade?

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How long you been in the trade?

  • Less than 1

    Votes: 3 1.0%
  • 1-2

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 2-5

    Votes: 14 4.8%
  • 5-10

    Votes: 48 16.3%
  • 10-20

    Votes: 71 24.1%
  • 20-30

    Votes: 67 22.8%
  • 30-40

    Votes: 67 22.8%
  • 40-50

    Votes: 17 5.8%
  • Over 50

    Votes: 6 2.0%
  • I forgot. What was the question again, sonny?

    Votes: 1 0.3%

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I was 17 when I got my first job in the trade which was 1981. I was in trade school in 79 using the 1978 NEC. :smile:

So it's looking like 28-30 years damn time flies.
First job was in 1979 for an EC that also did some minor carpentry. I decided pulling 12-2 was a lot easier than carrying 3/4 ply wood up an extension ladder. Then I found out about 5"GRS and 500 mcm 15kv triplex tray cable. But I have no regrets.
Oppuntunity knocks

Oppuntunity knocks

Summer of 91 at the age of 23 I just got laid off from an asbestos removal company.

My neighboor was working for a licenced electrician and asked me if I wanted to help dig a ditch to a pool.

The boss offered me a job. The next day I was drilling holes with the hole hawg and my neighboor was sitting home.

April of 2000 I started my own company.
July 5, 1970 took my first job as an electricians helper, I had to fudge the numbers some, as I was 17 and you were suppose to be 18 to work commercial construction in VA. First day on the job a apprentice cut into a supposedly dead 10/3 3 phase 480 VAC line and was severely hurt. I learned that day to ALWAYS TEST, never trust anyone. The electrician that told him the line was dead left the job and did not come back for his brown envelope, we were paid in cash back then.

I remember #12 solid TW in brown card board boxes what a pain.
High rises with no railings.
Scaffolds in lieu of man lifts.
No battery tools. EVERYONE HAD A HACK SAW no durn battery sawzalls
Lead Anchors and hand Rawl Drills
brace and bits
Red Heads (?) A tool that hammered as you turned the anchor drill back and forth.
Drive Pins and drive pin tools.
No bounce and chisel in lieu of chipping hammer.
20 guys to pull wire.
Guys telling me FPE was junk.

Our hands took a beating back then.

Counting the days till I could take the JW and Master test.

The guy that hired me just retired.

39 years 15+ to go.
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Good thread!!!

Good thread!!!

Good thread Ken :)

I started off doing electronic calibrations right after high school. I learned what I know from my Pop. He always told me,..."Son, I'll show you something once, twice or as long as it takes for you to understand it, but I'll be d*mned if you're going to ask me to fix something because you do want to learn it."
He told me about all of the hidden dangers of electricity even on a CAT1 level. I thought he was trying to just put a fear in me. After I realized all of the potential that was behind electricity and just how much it could be manipulated, I was hooked. Spent 5 years on a bench with industrial electronics and the other 10 in commercial/industrial maintenance. No regrets at all. I look forward to going to work everyday. I wouldn't change trades for twice the pay. Alot of people go to work for just a paycheck, and dread the beginning of the work week. I can honestly say I don't feel that way. Call it passion I guess. I'll work this field until my hands can work no more.
Started as apprentice 1984 out of trade school, I also have some certificates that say I can work in the electrical trade, not sure if other people think I should. I am thankful that it puts food on the table with clothes, and shelter. Any you know, it keep my wife relatively happy (only if I am billable).
Started roping houses in 74 with AL wire.

Had several different careers along the journey but ended up back in electrical when we started this business 17 years ago.
Started in 1978.
Worked electrical construction for 5 years and decided there had to be a better way.
Went to work for my present employer on August 6 1984 as a prodution electrician
for 4 years. Took a job in electrical quality control for 16 years and I am now in engineering.
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