Ground Rod making NOISE...yes Noise...

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No....I did not go KABOOM.....more like KERSPLUNK.....:mad:

Got a call from one of my guys this morning...."Man....this hole is full of water....must have been a water line".......:roll:

Plumber comes in the morning.....I moved a apprentice to the job for the day just to help dig....No locate marks insight of my ground rod.....and I was 12" away from the rod of the ground rod for the fiberoptic equipment......:mad:

OH WELL....nothing to major...just another the dream....sometimes it seems to be a nightmare....

The worst part is I drove the rod (testing out new rotohammer) and I cant blame anyone else....Hate it when that happens....:grin:
The rotohammer is the cats pajamas for driving rods....cant beat it with a stick....heck, I even used it to drive in the 1/2" rebar into existing footer/foundation for the new addition on my house....drilled the holes, chucked up ground rod driver....and bashed em dad said I was lasy....I said I like my um I mean tools
Well....we fixed the water line today....1 1/2" copper line....about 50" deep.....with a 1/2" X 8' copper clad rod driven just about DEAD COTTONPICKIN CENTER THROUG IT:mad:

Lots and lots of fun....the term mud from head to toe doesent begin to explain......
go for the soft spot

go for the soft spot

If its soft and the rest of the ground is hard then its a ditch line. Find the side of the ditch line and poke and hope, or go for something harder. 5 feet though is 2 feet over what I think would be safe for buried cable. Water is pretty destructive. I had a crew that cut a gas line. Nicked it. a few weeks later the neighbor called and said the grass was dead and there was a miniature geyser of smokey sand coming out of the ground. Natural gas sucks the moisture out of the dirt and the geyser was clay and sand and natural gas.
5 feet that must have been some hole to dig. Did you bond the water pipe?
Well....we fixed the water line today....1 1/2" copper line....about 50" deep.....with a 1/2" X 8' copper clad rod driven just about DEAD COTTONPICKIN CENTER THROUG IT:mad:

Lots and lots of fun....the term mud from head to toe doesent begin to explain......

ground rod driving is always a cause for pause..... :-/

i drew up plans for a store and lock a few years ago.... running under the
property was a 36" transite pipe that remains to this day the central
water supply for the city of redlands.

the note on the plans said something to the effect that the water main
could not be turned off, and damage to it would have catastrophic effects
on the cities of redlands, and san bernadino.

due to cut and fill, the top of this irreplaceable, unrepairable water main was
about a foot under the ground, i kid you not. inverse was 48".

be glad it was only an inch and a half line.... how'd ya like to break a 36"
line being fed by big bear lake? :-(
ground rod driving is always a cause for pause..... :-/

i drew up plans for a store and lock a few years ago.... running under the
property was a 36" transite pipe that remains to this day the central
water supply for the city of redlands.

the note on the plans said something to the effect that the water main
could not be turned off, and damage to it would have catastrophic effects
on the cities of redlands, and san bernadino.

due to cut and fill, the top of this irreplaceable, unrepairable water main was
about a foot under the ground, i kid you not. inverse was 48".

be glad it was only an inch and a half line.... how'd ya like to break a 36"
line being fed by big bear lake? :-(
Sounds like they scared you enough. There is a difference between could not and would not and rather not. My instincts tell me that it can be turned off, and can be repaired.

I have no doubt that damage might be catastrophic and replacement might be terribly expensive, but I can promise you that both will happen one day.
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