Your price is way high

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Followed a lead from a neighbor, his brother in law needed a new service. I went over, looked at it all, he then shows me all the material he has. Apparently another electrician was going to do the work 2 years ago and the owner wanted to buy all the material because he thought he could get a better price on it all through a local supply house.

At this point I am almost laughing. Anyways I check all the material and its all there right down to the straps for the SER cable.

I ask what happened to the other electrician and he tells me he no stopped being an electrician?!?!?

I told him he didnt need a new meter pan or ser cable up the side of the house as it looked pretty new. He said he already had all the materials to do it and it was $300 for everything and he couldnt return it, so we had to use everything. Apparently he thinks my labor is cheaper than materials.

I gave him a price of $500 to change it all out, 100A service, permited and all. This was my bottom dollar, and a great price, everyone here knows that- and honestly too cheap, or I thought.

I talked to my neighbor yesterday and he said that his brother in law told him I was way to high!

Give me a break! I even explained the permit process, power company hookup, and inspection process which all equates to a lot of lost time.

I just had to share this, I am tempted to call him and ask what he expected it to cost. From his emphasis about the cost of materials being $300 I can only expect he thought I would be lower than that.

Just felt like posting! Some people are way out of touch.
Even at labor only I do not see it at less than $800-1000. It may not use up an entire day's worth of work, but you have to plan on it and therfore can not confidently schedule out the rest of the day and lose out on other income. I like to be available all the way through to power being restored in case something comes up. Some POCOs here do not like to turn mains back on.

I went to a customer yesterday to look at her property because we are planning a generator delivery. Our signed paperwork states that the generator is delivery only, no electrical included, so I asked her who her electrician was. She looked at me funny and said "I thought you were." Anyway I gave her a number off the top of my head ($1,000), knowing it was high but better to come down than have to tell her it would be more when I had time to really think about it. She freaked because of all the costs she already has associated with this generator. She said if I could do it $400 than that would be more reasonable. She is a nice lately and was much calmer by the time I left, but I have to bite my tongue when customer start telling me what our costs should be.
Just felt like posting! Some people are way out of touch.

thanks! I get a kick out of that. Here's another one:

I did a panel-riser change-out (hot, no POCO disconnect-reconnect), and ran all new interconnected smoke alarms throughout the home & installed all req. GFCIs since these upgrades are required for service changes, was permitted and passed, gave a really good price for the whole thing, and the guy's wife had a cow--these are friends of mine--and says something like "I wish my husband made that kind of money." he's a chemical engineer. I got half the money from her; called him a week or two later and he gave me cash for the rest of it! All's well that ends well, I guess.

Your "bottom dollar" is less than my bottom dollar, but it all depends on the job, what issues and obstructions you're facing.
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thanks! I get a kick out of that. Here's another one:

I did a panel-riser change-out (hot, no POCO disconnect-reconnect), and ran all new interconnected smoke alarms throughout the home & installed all req. GFCIs since these upgrades are required for service changes, was permitted and passed, gave a really good price for the whole thing, and the guy's wife had a cow--these are friends of mine--and says something like "I wish my husband made that kind of money." he's a chemical engineer. I got half the money from her; called him a week or two later and he gave me cash for the rest of it! All's well that ends well, I guess.

Your "bottom dollar" is less than my bottom dollar, but it all depends on the job, what issues and obstructions you're facing.

I would think a chemical engineer makes more money than an electrician. Anyway.. people :roll:

Followed a lead from a neighbor, his brother in law needed a new service. I went over, looked at it all, he then shows me all the material he has. Apparently another electrician was going to do the work 2 years ago.

Two years ago.... That's the big red flag...

When a customer has materials just laying around and they have already put the job off for two years that lets you know they are in no hurry and can wait for a sucker.

If his lights were off or his panel was smoking that would be a different story. Just quote a price and walk away. Make sure that any price quoted is only good for 30 days (or less, sale price is over).
Rule #1.. never believe the story a HO tells me why he has all the parts

Rule #2.. NEVER come down in price once you quote a customer. It looks like you were trying to screw him the first time around.

Rule #3.. your time for a "free" estimate is ONLY free for the customer. It always costs you money and that cost must be figured into your estimate.
When I heard he had all the materials I knew something was up. I am sure the last electrician left because this guy wouldnt pay fair pricing.

The funny thing is that he thinks the material is the expensive part of the equation.

He is moving out (going to rent this place out) and asked me to also quote on adding some new outlets up in the bedrooms. Why you may ask? Because he had them on hand and couldnt return them to the supply house so he had to use them!

I think the guy is just numb.

I get all ticked off when I give someone a great price and they think its too much money, I take it too personally, because to me, my work is who I am. Basically I take it as "what you do isnt worth the money". My thought is either they do not make much money (which isnt my problem) or they are just out of touch.
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I get all ticked off when I give someone a great price and they think its too much money, I take it too personally, because to me, my work is who I am. Basically I take it as "what you do isnt worth the money". My thought is either they do not make much money (which isnt my problem) or they are just out of touch.

I wouldn't get too upset about it.

A lot of people can't afford the things they want.

Its like someone going into a car dealership offering $30k for a $45k vehicle, thinking that's all its worth and that the dealer is making way too much off it already. It happens in all businesses. I had a marketing teacher in HS that would try to negotiate deals with wal-mart, because the tag said 'suggested retail price'. he never succeeded though.
That's less than what I would charge. I would have went with $1000 PLUS extra time/money if had had to go get missing materials to the job CORRECTLY and to CODE despite whatever materials he had becuase someone else told him that's what he needed.
I talked to my neighbor yesterday and he said that his brother in law told him I was way to high!

And his brother in law based that on what? Another estimate? Or maybe he's a part time electrician?

I get so upset when people think they know how much something should be. Really no one knows until they get an estimate. And as an uneducated customer you do not know if you have a good price until you get more than one estimate.

You give him a good price and someday he will realize that. It may not be until a couple of years after he hires a hack to install it but someday he will pay to have it done right.
I wouldn't get too upset about it.

A lot of people can't afford the things they want.

Its like someone going into a car dealership offering $30k for a $45k vehicle, thinking that's all its worth and that the dealer is making way too much off it already. It happens in all businesses. I had a marketing teacher in HS that would try to negotiate deals with wal-mart, because the tag said 'suggested retail price'. he never succeeded though.

Right On! You could offer me a new Bently for 1/2 price and I still couldn't afford it. Doesn't mean its not a great dea.

This is just another example of how the bad customers suck the life out of electricians....give the customer the boot and don't waste another minute thinking about it.
I wouldn't even waste your time with the phone call. Forget about it. Some people are so cheap they don't even appreciate a good deal on quality work.
sweet revenge

sweet revenge

Right On! You could offer me a new Bently for 1/2 price and I still couldn't afford it. Doesn't mean its not a great dea.

This is just another example of how the bad customers suck the life out of electricians....give the customer the boot and don't waste another minute thinking about it.

I HAD a customer that I had done small jobs for on several occasions. He told me they were going to do a addition and ask me did I know a good contractor. I gave him a GC's number that I had done work for for several years. The contractor worked with them for almost two years on their plans. They would come up with an idea of what they wanted he would price it, too high. They would go back and redo the plans he would price it. It would come in under and they would go back and add more. You get the point. Finally they settled on a plan and money. I roughed in a unfinished bonus room, had to set a new sub panel and fish wire from basement to second floor for bonus room and new air handler with 8kw heat. My bill was $2600.00. He flipped out. The contractor and his guys hand dug the footing for the addition. The customer had lined up some south of the border guys to lay the block. He called them to pour the footing while they were there they told him they could do the whole job cheaper. The customer then tells me and the contractor he is going to let them do it because he could save a lot of money. He called me first of the week and wanted me to come back and would I call the contractor and see if he could come back. Seem the framing would not pass inspection and the inspector was not happy with unlicensed persons doing electrical work. I politely told him with all the money he saved he should hire some one else for the electrical and he could call the contractor himself. Have a nice day:grin:
$500. for a service change minus materials. No wander brother in law has problems with you. You keep charging those ridicules charges and the next thing you'll be taking some nice girl to Skateland and maybe to McDonalds if her parents will let her stay out that late on a Friday night.
Years ago I had someone that owned a hotel that wanted to change the boiler system to heat the rooms to individual heat and A/C units. He needed the power run to the rooms and a new service. He would supply the service equipment. After telling him he needed a new 2000 amp service he told me he was mad at the supply house because they wouldn't sell him the equipment for the same price as the OTHER contractor was going to supply it for and could I just hook up a couple of rooms first without the service upgrade?

Even at labor only I do not see it at less than $800-1000. It may not use up an entire day's worth of work, but you have to plan on it and therfore can not confidently schedule out the rest of the day and lose out on other income. I like to be available all the way through to power being restored in case something comes up. Some POCOs here do not like to turn mains back on.

I went to a customer yesterday to look at her property because we are planning a generator delivery. Our signed paperwork states that the generator is delivery only, no electrical included, so I asked her who her electrician was. She looked at me funny and said "I thought you were." Anyway I gave her a number off the top of my head ($1,000), knowing it was high but better to come down than have to tell her it would be more when I had time to really think about it. She freaked because of all the costs she already has associated with this generator. She said if I could do it $400 than that would be more reasonable. She is a nice lately and was much calmer by the time I left, but I have to bite my tongue when customer start telling me what our costs should be.
People wonder why you charge that much because they may not even make that much in a week and I don't blame them!
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