Your price is way high

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People wonder why you charge that much because they may not even make that much in a week and I don't blame them!

That would be because you and the people that would question that price have no idea what it costs to run a service business. I use to question it myself. I've just spent to much time going over the numbers to question it any more. It's just something I've had to come to accept.
That would be because you and the people that would question that price have no idea what it costs to run a service business. I use to question it myself. I've just spent to much time going over the numbers to question it any more. It's just something I've had to come to accept.
That could be, so what do you expect to make in profit per hour?
That could be, so what do you expect to make in profit per hour?

What he said. I was pretty disappointed when I got my license and learned how to bid work to find out it wasn't some great money making scheme. Why are some electricians so much more money than others? Some are living off their wives or former employer?s benefits and are not actually profitable businesses.
I've explained to people before what some of the main costs are in running a service business. It's always the advertising bit that people are the most incredulous about. When I tell them we spend around $1,500.00/month for yellow page ads alone they think I'm lying. They think an ad in the yellow pages is only a couple hundred a year! People have no idea how expensive things are nowadays. When you're a small shop and spend many thousands of dollars each month just to be in business people don't understand and still think you are pocketing all of the money.

It's real easy for ignorant people to call you a crook.
I've explained to people before what some of the main costs are in running a service business. It's always the advertising bit that people are the most incredulous about. When I tell them we spend around $1,500.00/month for yellow page ads alone they think I'm lying. They think an ad in the yellow pages is only a couple hundred a year! People have no idea how expensive things are nowadays. When you're a small shop and spend many thousands of dollars each month just to be in business people don't understand and still think you are pocketing all of the money.

It's real easy for ignorant people to call you a crook.

and $1500 a month isn't that much...I know 5 truck shops that are spending $15,000 - 20,000 a month to keep the calls coming in...because, again, you need 3-5 calls per day/truck to keep a service business rolling...
and $1500 a month isn't that much...I know 5 truck shops that are spending $15,000 - 20,000 a month to keep the calls coming in...because, again, you need 3-5 calls per day/truck to keep a service business rolling...

Yeah, and they have a lot of nerve to charge their customers to cover that.:D
Still means nothing without a timeframe! A $100/day or $1000/day? It makes a difference.

See that's the problem with this country, we don't teach our kids math.

The time frame has no bearing.
Should I make a higher % of profit if I can't generate work? And a lower % of profit because I can sell work?
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