Generator Backfeed

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New member
I know that I will catch a lot of "stuff" for asking this question on this forum but, I'll try anyway.

I'm building a small house and we are having a delay with the local utility in getting our service installed. In lieu of running extension cords all over the house, I would rather plug the generator right into an outlet outside and backfeed the house. When I do this, the cord gets hot very quickly and my voltage drops from ~120V to ~90V and the genset starts to choke pretty bad. It's a brand new generator and I've checked my connections 100 times. Whats going on? I've gone as far as turning off every breaker in the house and the same results.


Staff member
the cord gets hot very quickly and my voltage drops from ~120V to ~90V and the genset starts to choke pretty bad. It's a brand new generator and I've checked my connections 100 times. Whats going on?

The problem is your obviously not qualified to be doing this work.

Hire an electrician or learn to live with candlelight.

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