egregious violation pics . . . .

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I love the look of hesitation that guy has in the picture. :smile:

I'm waiting for Jim to show up with red flashing lights and a siren, demanding to speak to the owner about the possibility that this installation could kill someone, and that he should fix it right now.
Here you go, Jim:


Now, I dare you to sleep tonight.​

GEE THANKS, must been same guys work. Not as deadly as the first but gets second prize. Here i would fault the poco meter reader unless its electronic and read from street. Friend has hot tub sitting right in front of his meter and poco said nothing.
GEE THANKS, must been same guys work. Not as deadly as the first but gets second prize. Here i would fault the poco meter reader unless its electronic and read from street. Friend has hot tub sitting right in front of his meter and poco said nothing.

poco's here contract out the meter-reader job. i doubt the people holding that position have any idea about rules and regulations.

the job in the pics that started this thread was done over a month ago, so we know its been read at least once since the MH was moved in.
Yeah, don't make me stop this car...... :cool:

I followed Jim's advice today. I was installing a light and receptacle on a screen porch. Noticed a new above ground pool. Too may violations to list. I drove right through it with my truck then I jumped out and took a Sawzall to the liner. Finally I cut the service drop to the house. Safety first!!

Shame on didn't go far enough. :mad: You should have evacuated the house and then burned it right to ground to eliminate every possible hazard inside of it.
Unfortunately (or is it) the Constitution Of the United States, and the laws that follow, are intended to keep us from violating the rights of others as it prevents them from violating our rights, laws were not supposed to pad the world around us to the point we are put into a padded cell. if it did then there are allot of dangerous sports, jobs, and hobbies we all enjoy that would become outlawed.
Many States have laws that protect the rights of home owners, who wish to take the chance to do their own work, these are called log cabin laws.

Also I saw some responses to report hazards like this to inspectors, well since they are law enforcement, they need a probable cause before they can trespass upon private property, they just cant just run out there and start citing violations from hearsay, another thing our Constitution protects us from.
Yes many of these rights are being taken from us little by little, and maybe some day we will all live in a totally padded world, But for now, I'm glad we don't.

With that said, if I were to come upon a hazard like this( And I have many times), I would tell the home owner if he wanted me to touch anything on this property, I would have to fix any hazards as I could be liable for them if I work on it, if not he would have to get another electrican. It's that simple. you can't be held liable just for knowing and the owner refusing to allow you to fix it. but if you touch the wiring then it can be a different story.

Wayne this is from the above link,.. If called to the location ,.. or if the official just happens to see this,.. could he enter the property ? In Mass at least??

1.02: Applicability
(1) New and Existing Conditions. The provisions of 527 CMR and the standards listed in
527 CMR 49.00 shall apply equally to new and existing buildings and conditions.
1. Existing conditions which do not constitute a distinct hazard to life or property.
2. The transportation of any articles or substance under the jurisdiction of and in compliance
with the regulations prescribed by the military forces of the United States.
(3) Right of Entry. The marshal, an inspector, the head of the fire department, or any person
to whom the marshal or the head of the fire department may delegate the authority, may, in the
performance of the duties imposed by M.G.L. c. 148, or in the furtherance of the purpose of any
provision of any law, ordinance or by-law relating to the subject matter of M.G.L. c. 148 or of
any rule or regulation contained in 527 CMR, or any order of the marshal or head of the fire
department, enter any reasonable hour any building or other premises, or any ship or vessel, to
make an inspection or investigation, without being held or deemed to be guilty or trespass.
(M.G.L. c. 148, ? 4.)
GEE THANKS, must been same guys work. Not as deadly as the first but gets second prize. Here i would fault the poco meter reader unless its electronic and read from street. Friend has hot tub sitting right in front of his meter and poco said nothing.

So in this case, instead of being a hero and saving this guy, forcefully removing him from his house, along with his wife, three kids, two dogs, four cats and the hampster, call 911, pull the meter, and send up a just pass the buck?
I see the pictures and the description of the O.P. and I see a distinct hazard to life and property ,..If picture one was the first thing I made it to unharmed ,..I would have used the disconnect and then called the proper officials,.. there is no way my hand would re energized that ...

If it were the live bare wires laying on the ground that I came to first ,..and I had my cell phone ,.. I would have stayed right where I was and called for assistance ,.. reason distinct threat to life! mine

It seems the disconnect is in the on position in the first picture ,.. did you take the rest while this was live?? if you did ,.. you are a braver man than me.
So in this case, instead of being a hero and saving this guy, forcefully removing him from his house, along with his wife, three kids, two dogs, four cats and the hampster, call 911, pull the meter, and send up a just pass the buck?

The only thing consistent about Jims positions are that they are always inconsistent.
So in this case, instead of being a hero and saving this guy, forcefully removing him from his house, along with his wife, three kids, two dogs, four cats and the hampster, call 911, pull the meter, and send up a just pass the buck?

I did what i could to warn him of the dangers. Even offered to help relocate the tub. He did put a board in front of the meter so nobody can touch meter. As a friend not much more i could do. As to the cat's we had them for lunch. Shake and bake is great.
The only thing consistent about Jims positions are that they are always inconsistent.

Get a life. You have your opinions and i have mine. We all draw the line as to when to get involved with hazards. The OP in my opinion is a hazard that waiting could easily kill. Go back to your beer and forget it. Some of us care about peoples lives with or without pay.
Hate to think what kind of father you would be.
I did what i could to warn him of the dangers. Even offered to help relocate the tub. He did put a board in front of the meter so nobody can touch meter. As a friend not much more i could do. As to the cat's we had them for lunch. Shake and bake is great.

I'm not referring to any hot tub. I'm referring to the picture I posted. (post #79)

According to you, everyone who reads that post is duty bound to find out where it is located, go out and disconnect the power, call the POCO, empty the house, inform the White House, get the local FD out there with their HazMat crews.........
You have your opinions and i have mine. We all draw the line as to when to get involved with hazards.

I understand that completely, and its great for us to share our opinions on these things to learn new ideas, but there is a difference between opinion and law.

There is nothing I can legally do to turn this off.

. Some of us care about peoples lives with or without pay.

I do to; which is why I told the HO what could happen.

I feel like we're going to end up going in circles on this for awhile.

Maybe its time to shut it down before someone gets upset.
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