coaxial and phone

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I have a customer who wants cable and phone jacks in his house, any help ? I would think every room should have its own coaxial run from outside or closet jbox ? Should i daisy
chain phone lines ? or should rooms have its own lines ? any help
I have always home-runned every outlet. With satellite & cable TV these days, that's pretty much a standard.

You can daisy-chain POTS, but if you lose the line somewhere, so much of your jacks will go dead. If you want to go the daisy-chain route, make a complete circuit from the demarc, hit each jack, then return to the demarc.
Get "structured cable" has 2-cat 5, and 2-RG-6, all under one sheath. pull a home run to each location. You're covered for cable, satellite, network, etc. Real labor savor. Sell them the enclosure and power protection and supply. We land everything, set networks, etc; but the $ difference isn't really that great. So if you're not already doing it, I'm not sure it's worth the hassle.
Get "structured cable" has 2-cat 5, and 2-RG-6, all under one sheath. pull a home run to each location. You're covered for cable, satellite, network, etc. Real labor savor. Sell them the enclosure and power protection and supply. We land everything, set networks, etc; but the $ difference isn't really that great. So if you're not already doing it, I'm not sure it's worth the hassle.

The product you speak of is not called structured cable, it is referred to as composite cable. This cable is for the most part, pointless. There is no cost savings over seperate cables, and its harder to work with, and there isnt really any labor savings to be realized.

Just get a couple boxes of cat5E and a couple reels of (good -Times Fiber, Commscope, etc; not carol, general cable, or chinese) RG6 and have at it. Do home runs, dont daisy chain anything.
inside or outside

inside or outside

Do i pull al my cables and phone outside or to a closet nearest entry point ?
thanks sparky , also is it ok to bury phone and cable conduit in same trnch with electrical
i cant find anywhere that i cant
thanks sparky , also is it ok to bury phone and cable conduit in same trnch with electrical
i cant find anywhere that i cant

are you talking about the conduits from the street to the house? Both the poco and cable/telco will have their own requirements for a common trench. There are vertical and horizontal seperations, i dont remember what they typically are.
thanks sparky , also is it ok to bury phone and cable conduit in same trnch with electrical
i cant find anywhere that i cant

Around here it would be uncommon to install lines for cable or phone outside the building itself. Usually we install to a demarcation point immediately outside the home and then utils. take if from there.
With wireless routers and cordless phones just a matter of time before CATV goes wirless inside the house then you will only need cat5 and RG6 to one point
just a matter of time before CATV goes wirless inside the house then you will only need cat5 and RG6 to one point
Nah, just wait till the Telco installs fiber to the house (Verizon FIOS or simular) and CATV will be history at the home. :cool:
Have you looked at "data-phone-TV" panels that are on the market? They allow a lot of flexibility for these systems and usually have a built-in power supply. Run individual cables to each location specified by the owner(not where you might guess) and some rooms may need additional drops as his/her needs fit! Satilite antennas locations require two RG-6 run.
Conduit from demarc point to utility room or closet then conduit to each location works well. Here's some photos. This isn't my work though.



Conduit from demarc point to utility room or closet then conduit to each location works well. Here's some photos. This isn't my work though.





Can you explain the details of this install? I have never seen anything like this in res. and it's got my curiosity.

What are the large orange tubes for?

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