Our Last 100 threads

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Senior Member
Birmingham, AL
Someone remarked lately that participation in the Forum seemed to be dropping off so I put the following together with the hope someone could help explain it.

Statistics of the last 100 threads in the Electrical Contracting and Estimating/Management Forum (which were not closed)
The last 100 threads resulted in 58333 views but only 1859 replies The reply rate was 3.19%

Of the last 100 threads 46% were technical or code related. The reply rate was 7.27%

Of the last 100 threads 48% were opinion or personal views. The reply rate was 3.02%

Of the last 100 threads 6% involved workmanship or mechanical construction. The reply rate was 2.62%
Maybe some people don't want to be on the Mr. Rogers show, or it could be the censorship.
It seems during summer months the forum does see less traffic, it will rebound when those that have lifes outside of the internet are back inside (winter) most of the time.

there have been times in the past where the moderators may have been a little heavy handed, but it has been a while, I havent seen anything recently to bring this up and stir up a stink.
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I don't like being censored in the USA, period.

So, when you walk into any bodies house you feel you can do as you please regardless of what the owner believes or wants?

This is not a government Court yard under free speech laws, it is a privately owned forum, if you don't like it go some where else.

I think the summer work picture tends to take us away from the net plus it is summer and their are plenty of other activities.

I usually give the forum a quick look every day just to see whats been posted
There are forums that are not edited (censored as some say, and I WAS one of these at one time) and I enjoy those BUT, for a pure electrical site, knowledge based, code oriented, professional, NO BS, Keep MH as it is.

Some of you know what I mean.

Oh and while electricity is very important to many of us, it is summer, GET OUTSIDE.
I should not have to talk like you nice men from friendly little cities because somebody is afraid to upset the owner of this forum. I've been a customer of Mikes for a long time and spent alot of money for his material.
I should not have to talk like you nice men from friendly little cities because somebody is afraid to upset the owner of this forum.

Probably not, but you don't have a choice. :grin:

BTW, I'm a 4th generation Floridian from a mean town in FL so you still have to abide by the rules. ;)

It seems during summer months the forum does see less traffic, it will rebound when those that have lifes outside of the internet are back inside (winter) most of the time.
Could you please elaborate on your post?! :-?

A life outside the internet? Outside of this forum?

Could you please elaborate on your post?! :-?

A life outside the internet? Outside of this forum?


What part confused you Larry?

I appologize that I didn't give you time to post on top of yourself a few times

I should not have to talk like you nice men from friendly little cities because somebody is afraid to upset the owner of this forum. I've been a customer of Mikes for a long time and spent alot of money for his material.

There are rules set forward by the owner of this forum, the moderators as I understand it are to police the site and maintain a site per the rules as set forward.

It is someone else's nickel not mine or yours.
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