Who can tell us the advantages of using complex power and provide an example?
Rattus can.
That is my answer to your question. Do I get a prize? :smile:
What is complex power?
You don't have a choice. Complex power is everywhere. It has relationship to generation/distributing power, and usage of the power. It is all va and var.
It was surprising to many that the large NE blackout back in 2003 or so, was in part due to how the generating plants reacted to too much or not enough reactive power as it related to real.
It is a useful tool for circuit analysis, load modeling, and power flow analysis. It can be used to evaluate reactive loads to optimize resources or to help calculate charges for poor resource utilization (i.e., power factor calcs).Who can tell us the advantages of using complex power and provide an example?
Yes. There is a law of conservation of complex power just as there is for conservation of real power. You can sum the kW & kvar (quantities readily available from most modern meters) to calculate the average power factor or average kVA.There may be an advantage in summing up the total load where the PF varies among the loads.
Absolutely. Do a quick search on power circle diagrams and you should see they use sending-end and receiving-end circles drawn in the complex plane (the P-Q plane) to analyze power flow.Ron, are you saying that this method is useful in managing the power grid--especially in maintaining stability?
Who can tell us the advantages of using complex power and provide an example?