Install copper pigtails to aluminum

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What book? Is there a book that tells you how fast a job should take you?

I have a "book" that has numbers like:

100' of 3/4" EMT mounted on threaded rod from concrete takes one man 6.787 hours


12/2 MC copper w/ steel armor takes one man .012hour/foot

I am not an estimator, so do not ask me how to apply these numbers to a bid.
Next time, I'll snip a bit off and look for copper.

you'll find it, I don't doubt. and just for the OP: Hope you get the job, but don't go too low, the stuff takes a long time, and we all know the problems with opening up old work, much less, to deal with the AL factor. Just did three 36 unit APT buildings in the last year. Not a great job, but a job, nevertheless.
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Hello Fellow Electricians,

I have an offer to install copper pigtails to existing aluminum wire on all switches,outlets and lights in 2 story home with basement. The lights are recess and some fans.

There is approx 45 switches,50 outlets,7 fans, 15 recess lights and other lights.
Give or take of course.

Can someone please tell me how to estimate this job. Is it by device plus material? Is it hourly. Home owner asked me to get back to him no later than Wednesday afternoon and I just seen him. It's Monday afternoon.
I'm a new business owner trying hard to learn the craft of estimating.


depends on a number of things.

how are you going to make the connections? ul approval for copper
retrofits is limited.
and expensive.

your liability in the event of a fire isn't.
it's expensiver.

you've got copalum fittiings with the swaging tool as the repair of choice.

getting the cert for that retrofit is about $2k out of pocket, when i checked.
and the tool is $300 a month to lease, and the crimps are a buck each.

and new devices.

and a minimum of $2m liability, with errors and omissions, and latent
defects coverage.

i was looking at this as a viable business model, and would not do a 3 br
house for less than about $4,500.

i've got one now that wants me to do a retrofit, and truth be told,
even with work slow, i don't want the liability.
We have one neighborhood here that almost all the houses (about 800) are in Au.
and over time they have been calling on failing circuits, we have priced several of these houses on pigging to copper, and others on rewires (both not cheep, but the only ones we got were ones forced by insurance and loan companies, the rest we just use as a cash cow and keep repairing circuits as they fail. we use the Ideal Twister wire nuts made for connection of AL to CU, but AL can be a pain, as if the conductor was nicked when originally installed it will break right off at the RC connector.

Some of our bids to pig tail out a whole house with the Ideal system, went as high as $5500, but interest does spark up after a fire in that neighborhood (no pun intended)

Also we use a disclaimer in out contract that when we do a repair then we are only liable for the repair the owner authorized us to do, and any other failures in the electrical system are beyond our responsibility.

Not sure how that would work in other states but here it's good to go.
does it say how long to allow to get the the outlet? carry it to the location? unpackage it?, or do you just do these things for free and only concern yourself with getting paid to actually turn screws?

I added an extra 3 min for my estimate so you have 15 min per device. I could still make money on this if I got every device out of my truck bins unlocked locked install and bring the garbage back to the truck each time. I still dont like the liability involved with al however liability hinges upon someone proving that you made a mistake which caused the problem. As long as you are being code compliant you cannot be held liable for people having a poor wiring install in thier house. Based on past performance I will estimate that it will average 6 min per device. All day long.
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