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Nobody says you have to buy everything for a job from one place. I've bought conduit from one place and wire from another because it cost less, even with shopping.

Besides, when I have to improvise or just make a complicated assembly, there's nothing better than looking, touching, and putting together stuff with my own hands.
This is pretty much what i was saying.
price shop

price shop

The company I work for sends price and availabilty to several warehouses. Maybe we can do this due to the tremendous volume we have. We try to spread the wealth and yet stay competitive. So I rarely use the big box stores
Good to see you posting Mule. Hope you have been busy making money.

Thanks, The slow economy finally hit here localy, two or three months ago. its been pretty slow, but most EC's are still floating as far as I know. We are doing fine, just a much smaller back log than usual......while larger EC's have been laying off.
Okay, I'll bite; Why does the Square D QO cost about 50% more than other breakers?

Well, as far as I know, I've never lost a job to a big-box store. Plus, once I secure a job, who am I helping (or hurting) by buying each item for as little as I can?

I'd rather buy, say, a QO 200a main breaker in a 3R enclosure for $127 from a 'competitor' than the same two items seprately from a 'non-competitor' for %60 more.

Nobody says you have to buy everything for a job from one place. I've bought conduit from one place and wire from another because it cost less, even with shopping.

Besides, when I have to improvise or just make a complicated assembly, there's nothing better than looking, touching, and putting together stuff with my own hands.

Sorry I don't know why the Square D cost more. But their still selling plenty of them. Guess they're just smarter.
Perhaps the question should be "Why should one shop at HD?" They do compete w/ contractors...

Point to ponder.

They don't compete w/contractors, they sub out to contractors. A lot of local guys work for HD or Lowes or even Sears. Figure out how to get on their contractor list.
Square D has all kinds of pricing structures.

- They have "profiles" set up for specific customers that buy a lot of gear. These are negotiated with your supply house sales guy. Even if you don't buy a lot of stuff, you should be able to negotiate pricing that is comparable to or lower than the big boxes on some things (panels, breakers) and much lower on other things (disconnects)

- They have "job' pricing. On any project with gear around $500.00 or more, your supply house can submit this to Square D as "job" and get significantly reduced pricing on the total package. The pricing on many things are cut in half or more on a job specific package.

- They have "stock" pricing. If you don't have a relationship with the sales guys at a supply house, this is more than likely the price you are getting. Nine times out of ten, you are better off going to the big boxes, instead of buying at your supply house. In some cases, your supply house is paying Square D more for an item than you can buy it for yourself.

All of the major gear lines work in similar fashion. Bottom line is, most people would be well served to develop a relationship with a supply house, and negotiate pricing with their sales guy. Unless you are passing all of your costs on to the customer, you are giving a lot of money away needlessly.
all this being said,

try pricing a 4 lamp t8 electronic ballast at lowes, HD or Ace hardware.

anywhere from 28 to 40 dollars and i can get the SAME Advance ballast at ANY supply house in town for less than $20
We buy everything through our supply house and have it delivered either to our shops or to the job sites going to get anything is just not cost effective.
I purchased a 100-amp 2-pole Square D breaker this afternoon from a supply house I deal with. I looked at the ticket, $73. I told the counterman I just purchased one of these a couple of days ago for $63. He changed today's price to $63.

On the way home, I stopped by Home Depot to see what they sold them for, $51.08.

Why to I have to pay more than a 23% higher price at the supply house (Hagemeyer) than I do at HD?


It's frustrating that my customer can buy materials cheaper than I can at the "Electrical Supply House".

Why not?

Several years ago I bought a 2000 amp GE CB it was $28,000. 2 months later I bought a GE switchboard with 2 GE 2000 amp CBs, that is copper bus and enclosure plus the 2 CBs $25,000.00
I purchased a 100-amp 2-pole Square D breaker this afternoon from a supply house I deal with. I looked at the ticket, $73. I told the counterman I just purchased one of these a couple of days ago for $63. He changed today's price to $63.

On the way home, I stopped by Home Depot to see what they sold them for, $51.08.

Why to I have to pay more than a 23% higher price at the supply house (Hagemeyer) than I do at HD?


It's frustrating that my customer can buy materials cheaper than I can at the "Electrical Supply House".

In real estate it is : LOCATION, LOCATION, LOCATION

In retail it is: VOLUME, VOLUME, VOLUME
In real estate it is : LOCATION, LOCATION, LOCATION

In retail it is: VOLUME, VOLUME, VOLUME
And location a supply house downtown may charge more that one out in the burbs due to increased rents, higher wages and because they are there.
I buy a lot from wholesaler Graybar. I also buy stuff from HD, Lowes because they're handy to the job, open late and open on weekends.
I tell my counterman at Graybar what I saw a $ on a particular item at the big box and he'll check his computer and usually beat the price if he can. But commodity stuff is hard to beat at the big box. :grin:

But in my area when it comes to conduit, wire and the unusual stuff you just cannot beat your local supply house. I've developed a good relationship with my supply house. Their knowledge and willingness to track down hard to find and hard to get items, and do some of my legwork is worth something.

I've yet to find too many retail floor people that can come anywhere near the knowledge of a good seasoned counterman at a supply house. A good counterman stays up on the newest and best stuff. And has saved me money at times because he will say, "why you doin that way, do this and this and it will be cheaper and quicker". That's worth something to me. :smile:
A good counterman stays up on the newest and best stuff. And has saved me money at times because he will say, "why you doin that way, do this and this and it will be cheaper and quicker". That's worth something to me. :smile:

My experience is lawyers have stopped most of these guys from speaking up. A lot of counter guys don't have a clue as to how this stuff works, just tell them what you want and they'll see if they have it.
The job where I was using these (2) 100-amp 2-pole breakers is 40 miles from home. I needed to stop in Lowes to pick something up so while I was in there I checked for the price on the QO2100. It was $45.xx. WOW, $73 at the supply house ($63 after I complained) and less than $46 at Lowes.

I called Square D and asked why. They said it was because Lowes, HD, buy these items in much larger quantities and get a much better discount.

I guess I'm a BB store shopper now.
I am going to HD today as a matter of fact. I am going to buy a lawnmower. I bet my supply house cannot get me that. Just like I bet HD cannot get me a 12 bay MCC or a 4500 Amp distribution panel.

The reason we don't send employees to HD for electrical parts is they spend too much on candy bars and beef jerky while waiting in the contractor line to pay out.

Oh and also, hello Mule. Long time no see, I hope things are going spiffy for you my friend. If you need anything pm me.
..........The reason we don't send employees to HD for electrical parts is they spend too much on candy bars and beef jerky while waiting in the contractor line to pay out........

As long as it's their money, what do you care?

But if it shows up on your account.........
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