Why did you want to be an Electrician?

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Why? Because women steer clear of low voltage techs, but flock to electricians!:grin:

Seriously though, the variety and daily challenges of it all. Our shop is always doing something different, plus the pay is great compared to most other jobs.:cool:

Something else, I don't like being just a number in a large company either, I like the small shop feel(8 j-men). Once you gain the respect of the bosses they let you take the reigns of projects and give you input when you need it. NO MICROMANAGING THANK GOD!

Wouldn't trade it for anything...:cool:
The glamour! The excitement! The bright lights!

Oh, and the money!

Like Cow, it's the sheer number of possibilities. Sheetrockers measure, cut and hang for days on end. When their knees give out, they become mudders.

Plumbers, well, it all rolls downhill. Hot, cold, waste, vent. SS,DD.

Framers only need to know how to divide by 16, and what that mark at 19.2" is for.

But be an electrician if you want a change of pace every day. One day, it's Cat5. The next, it's 500 kcmils.
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I started July 5, 39 years ago as a summer helper. There were about 100 helpers and by the end of September most had gone n=back to college, there were 5 of us left I told one guy, I guess I'll be an electrician.
Had a great uncle and second cousin that had a union shop when I was a kid. Started working summers at the age of 15, totaly not union either.:smile: Learned alot, been doing it ever since and Im 51 now.....and I still love it, and love the people.
It was a job.
I was a "data dork" and got board fast.
I got to play with other peoples expensive toys, and get paid for it. (Automation Stuff)
I still get paid to play with other peoples expensive toys, and sometimes I get to fix them too. =)

Doing communications stuff was fun, I "did it all" from man-hole work w/ 400 pair and rolling in icky-pik, to fiber-splicing and polishing. But it got old, no job security, and the "standards" change with the wind.

Go for it. You can always go back... It'll still be blue, orange, green, brown.

My 2?
Doug S.
I don't remember not being interested in electricity and electronics. My mom told me that, when I was little, I used to look at our fuse box and "wonder where the wires went."

We had a typical fuse box with eight plug fuses and four pull-outs, one of which could be fed via a separate service cable (although ours wasn't) for a water-heater meter.

I had all of the rooms in the house wired for phones by the time I was about 8, and wired our shed for power when I was about 12. Who knew you couldn't bury NM cable?
Some say " I want to be a firefighter or, I want to be the president. Me, I said " I want to be a electrician!:roll:
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