Why did you want to be an Electrician?

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I know what it is for also;)

Framers only need to know how to divide by 16, and what that mark at 19.2" is for.

I know, and I ain't tellin! :cool: (Unless someone asks.)

I know what it's for, but I used to be a framer. A lot of them don't know what it's for.

I was building a house for an electrician and he needed help. I hired on and never looked back and I ain't going back. The smell of sawdust makes me sick now.
Thanks for the input Electricians ! What about 1st year curriculum?

Thanks for the input Electricians ! What about 1st year curriculum?

If I get accepted I want to challenge the 1st year curriculum. I have DC Theory and Uglys. I have heard that I need to know the formulas in Uglys, alittle conduit stuff (90's , offsets , etc. and tying different knots.
I was shocked into it, found that it de-lighted me and that it put a spark into my life without isolating me from the real world.
I had to grow up, had wife with kid on the way, and didn't figure I had the time or the smarts to become an EE.

At least you had the brains to realize the above. I have seen to many young men that still think they are party single. Not fair to the wife or child.
I ask myself this question everyday. :grin:

I'd like it if someone actually called me one!
college degre= $$$ ??

college degre= $$$ ??

I did as my wished and finished My university degree in Electronics Engineering Technology EET. However the bottom dropped out of the market(much like tody), and my degee was unemployable,then out of date in two years. I got tired of working my way to the top of a shop's pay scale, then getting fired/laid-off and starting again at the bottom payscale at another shop.. A wise person pointed out that I needed a Licence (heating, plumbing, electrical, or such). Now if I fire myself today, I can start tommorow anywhere at the same pay or better.
i got into it about 10 yrs ago doing houses now i work for a company that has 600 guys i learn something new every day and work in three states never the same place more than a week great trade
Cause i love climbing through attics in the summer heat and then redigging ditches the next day thanks to GCS mistakes. But no really I couldnt imagine sitting behind a desk for 8 hours a day. So it was construction for me. Didnt want to play in poop couldnt speak spanish and hate mastic. So I picked the only one left and havent looked back. It gets mundane sometimes but so does every job so why change anything.
The man I most admired in this world (my Father) got me a job with an EC friend of his and the rest is history.

I didn't. I was in my 2nd year of college, studying busniess administration when a guy I knew asked if I was looking for some summer work. At the end of summer I told my dad I was quitting school and he almost disowned me. He was a Regional Administrative Director for NCR and was there for 35 years and that's where I was supposed to go. 30 years later I think he's pretty proud of what I've accomplished.
In my case I was bored and underpaid. Had someone call and offer me a job that would get rid of part of my problem. I thought he was talking about the underpay.
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I joined the Air Force and got trained as an wireman/lineman (combined career field). I wanted to do electronics but I'm glad that didn't work out because I later realized I couldn't sit at a work bench all day soldering and testing circuit boards. I need to be out and about. :cool:
I had graduated college, and was working, a lot of hours pay was not great. I met my wife, her father was the chief electrical inspector. He told me I could work less hours and make more money...I took the bait, and am still waiting for the results 27 years later. :grin:

Only I have not twisted a wirenut in many years, now I am using the few brain cells I have left. :cool:
I double majored in Economics and Political Science. My employer after college decided I did not generate enough revenue (I held a sales job they gave me while trying to launch their internet stuff..and I am so sad newspapers are having problems:grin:) I was ultimately downsized, consulted back with them a while, andhad enjoyed a condo remodel I had done, so I started doing that type stuff. Ultimately, I got my builder's license then took the state residential electrician test so I could pull electrical permits in the city. In the county here, a builder gets to do it all.

The rest is history.

Got out of rehab in May of 00'. Been clean 10 years so don't laugh. Anyway was looking for a job and my cousin who was an EC offered me one. I took it and did it for about a year. Left electrical and went to work for a GC. After two years I realized that all I thought about was electrical work. I went back and have not looked back since.
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