I'm sorry for starting another thread but I need to hook this up tomorrow. As I stated in the previous post is I'm using a 9 KVA 3 phase 480 to 240 transformer in reverse. My input is 208...hooked it up and got around 420 volts. The band saw has a name plate of 440 volts so I think it will work.
The coils of the transformer are on a floating metal frame and the frame has a large strap bonding to to the shell of the transformer. My concern is that I ground this transformer correctly. Should I remove the strap? I was going to corner ground the H2 leg of the high side and leave XO floating on the low side. Well there is no XO only an X6 (looks like it is the same as an XO). Then I read this in the manual
Grounding: "All core and coils assemblies are solidly grounded to the enclosure internally to ensure that all conductive metal parts have the same
"The transformer in turn should be securely and effectively grounded as a safety precaution."
Please see attatched image (sorry I made it quick and dirty) of the diagram from the cover. Is it showing that H1 is already grounded to the shell via the strap? I don't quite understand what the dotted lines going into the center of both deltas is representing. Does it seem OK to ground H2?
The coils of the transformer are on a floating metal frame and the frame has a large strap bonding to to the shell of the transformer. My concern is that I ground this transformer correctly. Should I remove the strap? I was going to corner ground the H2 leg of the high side and leave XO floating on the low side. Well there is no XO only an X6 (looks like it is the same as an XO). Then I read this in the manual
Grounding: "All core and coils assemblies are solidly grounded to the enclosure internally to ensure that all conductive metal parts have the same
"The transformer in turn should be securely and effectively grounded as a safety precaution."
Please see attatched image (sorry I made it quick and dirty) of the diagram from the cover. Is it showing that H1 is already grounded to the shell via the strap? I don't quite understand what the dotted lines going into the center of both deltas is representing. Does it seem OK to ground H2?