UF cable

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Yes the meter has a main breaker. So I was wrong is saying UF I think what i am meaning is USE cable. I have 20 years in commercial and this is my first housing rough job so I was just looking at all options in feeding the house panel, which is this case I guess would be considered a sub panel.
Do you mean, instead of SEU for a service entrance? No way!! Besides it is not a permitted use (NEC 340.12(1)).

As to other applications, like feeding a subpanel or an outdoor branch circuit, UF is horrible stuff to work with anyway. I use conduit and conductors whenever I can. So if anything ever goes wrong or needs changed you can usually pull new wires in using the old ones like a pull string, or if you're adding wires you just use the normal methods like a fish tape.
I've repaired conduits that the POCO hit installing theirs, High line buried at less than three foot in inner duct! Ours was just a 480 volt parking lot feed at six inches below theirs! Not something you want to hit with the mini-ex! Conduit will rip out of the ground just as easy as URD or USE.
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