Notice that the Test Buttons for the 2008 Combination Breaker is a white button. The older 2005 types are light Blue. This is fairly standard but count on variations between mfrs. rbj
depends on the make.
I got this when I questioned G-E:
"The GE non-combination breaker is gray with a white test button.
There are now two generations of GE CAFCI breakers in service.
The initial version was a black breaker with a blue test button, the current generation is gray with a black rocker type test button."
Hi Buck,I still run in to guys I know have been doing electrical work for many years. Some still think the afci combo means afci and gfci combined. Any body else saw that?
Also I know electricians that have been electricians full time for 25 years. Some have never heard of a megger.
Hi Buck,
The present AFCI Combination does not operate at a GFCI threshold and will not function for both shock and arc protection levels. An AFCI breaker in line with a GFCI receptacle is the only Combined protection on the market that I know of at this time. rbj
Thanks, but I know,I was saying a lot of guys still think a combination means gfic and Afci protection. I know it does not.
Notice that the Test Buttons for the 2008 Combination Breaker is a white button. The older 2005 types are light Blue. This is fairly standard but count on variations between mfrs. rbj
Simens, Murray, Old GE >> Blue
Cutler Hammer >> Yellow
New GE >> White
Sq D >> White
Older buttons were various colors also.