Lets all work for free.....

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The guys that have the work I think have lowered the price a bit. I don't think they lowerd it drasticly though.

I think to do stuff at cost is rediculous. It will just prolong the inevitable.
When I started working in the summers for my father I had to dig dig dig. I learned how to use the pick good. I had to watch him bend pipe for a year, before I could touch the bender. Ninja apprentice? Looking back, I was abused, and have never treated an apprentice so bad. I should have worked for another contractor a few years, took some business classes, and got my own business straight away. I would have been better off.

Starting my company was a joy, not a struggle. I am glad to be away, far away from that thing called the family.

I think I am going to print this and send it to the old man.

The most difficult lesson in life to learn is humility ,I see that your father was trying to teach you unfortunatly I can see that you didn't learn.
I've noticed that a lot of small towns are requiring a "Surety Bond" in addition to the insurance and bond that most contractors already have. The city planner said that some contractors start a project only to find that they underbid to get the job. The surety bond guarantees that the ho or small business owner isn't left holding an empty bag! The point is, there is a lot more competition out there and as new contractors come in they are going to repeat the same mistakes we have already been through. I know that my prices have gone up over the years and I am starting to adjust to keep competitive!
It sounds to me that he was trying to make a man out of you,,,,,IMO,,,,if you e-mail him this forum,,,,all his intentions will be "negated"
ie: don't complain about how he trained you

Training? Run boy run. An old farm boy from a family of 14. That's not training. Kids were to be worked! His father had him to work in the field for the family. As for being a man. That's bad. Look at yourself instead. Your probably afraid of the truth.
yes I will, thats why his first job was cleaning the shop cats litter box.

We have a whole generation that has an entitlement mentality and a total lack of a work ethic.

Hard work , dirty work , work in general is ok. if it's a job it needs to pay something otherwise that would be volunteer or philanthrapy.
yes I will, thats why his first job was cleaning the shop cats litter box.

We have a whole generation that has an entitlement mentality and a total lack of a work ethic.

I wish you luck, though it is possible to carry things too far. I wish my father would have treated me like everyone else.

I agree with you on the lack of work ethic.
Training? Run boy run. An old farm boy from a family of 14. That's not training. Kids were to be worked! His father had him to work in the field for the family.
As for being a man. That's bad. Look at yourself instead. Your probably afraid of the truth.[/

Look at myself?? I'm not the one crying like a b*tch on how Daddy was too ruff on me!! ,,,,That's what's wrong with kids nowadays, they're froma generation that everybody gets a trophy (no matter how much you suck and sit on the bench),,,,
The most difficult lesson in life to learn is humility ,I see that your father was trying to teach you unfortunatly I can see that you didn't learn.

A statement like this comming from a man that says that he wishes neither love nor respect from his peers but only wishes to inspire fear in them?

Are you sure that you understand the concept of being humble. It has nothing to do with a take no prisoners attitude.

Humility: The state or quality of being humble.
Humble: Having or expressing expressing a sense of selflessness, meekness, modesty, ect.
Meekness: Probably has nothing to do with wishing to inspire fear in others.

The first step in learning humilty is learning the meaning of the word.

I'm not putting you down because I'm not a humble person either but I don't claim to be.
There seems to be a lot of guys here with inflated egos. They may be a somewhat successful small shop in a backwoods area, but they're not Walmart yet.

It amazes me some guys just have nothing they can learn from others. So much for humility....................:roll:

Most people who feel the need to blow their own horns and tell us how successful they are have confidence issues.
A statement like this comming from a man that says that he wishes neither love nor respect from his peers but only wishes to inspire fear in them?

Are you sure that you understand the concept of being humble. It has nothing to do with a take no prisoners attitude.

Humility: The state or quality of being humble.
Humble: Having or expressing expressing a sense of selflessness, meekness, modesty, ect.
Meekness: Probably has nothing to do with wishing to inspire fear in others.

The first step in learning humilty is learning the meaning of the word.

I'm not putting you down because I'm not a humble person either but I don't claim to be.

It is hard to be humble when you are perfect,I have never claimed to be humble in all aspects of my life nor do I desire to be.When it comes to business I am in it to win it.
Training? Run boy run. An old farm boy from a family of 14. That's not training. Kids were to be worked! His father had him to work in the field for the family.
As for being a man. That's bad. Look at yourself instead. Your probably afraid of the truth.[/

Look at myself?? I'm not the one crying like a b*tch on how Daddy was too ruff on me!! ,,,,That's what's wrong with kids nowadays, they're froma generation that everybody gets a trophy (no matter how much you suck and sit on the bench),,,,

Your talking to a first string All Star. I didn't get any bench time. I like looking in the mirror and seeing me. I am used to winning and getting the biggest trophy. I took it. I will not spread it though. Knowing yourself is a trophy in and of itself. I am not a kid but, I still like to play. There is much more to being a man. Perhaps I was the best because he pushed me.
Your talking to a first string All Star. I didn't get any bench time. I like looking in the mirror and seeing me. I am used to winning and getting the biggest trophy. I took it. I will not spread it though. Knowing yourself is a trophy in and of itself. I am not a kid but, I still like to play. There is much more to being a man.
Perhaps I was the best because he pushed me.[/QUOTE]
Bingo! and my point exactly
some of the best electricians I've ever met are 2nd and 3rd generation EC's...it really depends on the generation before...a good friend of mine is probably one of the smartest EC's I've had the pleasure of meeting...but he started working for his old man when he was 16 yrs old...and he's dug more ditches than many of us have ever seen....

i personally have been busting my ass 10-12 hrs day, 6 days a week for years...it allows my father to collect a check every week while he gets to hang out around the farm and play with his grandson...i personally could make $50-70k more per year if I went to work for someone else, but it would hurt everyone around me...so, I sacrifice a lot for the betterment of my parents and my son...but i make more than most, so, i'm good...

and yeah, i used to be intimate with a shovel...
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