fixture problem

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Queens, NY
fixture has 5 lamps in it. 3 of the lamps keep burning out within 2 weeks of installation everytime. the other 2 lamps remain energized and fine. problem persists whether incandescent or mini compact flourescent lamps are used. any clue on what would cause this.
Poor or dirty contacts on the bulb inside the base. Scrape clean, and reset so they have more pressure. Assuming you are talking about a med base socket?
No tombstones, this is a chandelier of some sort.

LKike Mr. Heinz, try using a pick or hook to pry the center contact up a bit (make sure the fixture is deenergized!) And don't screw the new bulbs in so tight.

Which brings me to the second point. Over-tightening bulbs tends to pull the screw shell off of the rivets, one of which connects the white wire to the shell.

Replacing bulbs may temporarily restore poor contact this way. The wires attached to the fixture sockets may also be loose on their rivets or at their crimped lugs.
fixture has 5 lamps in it. 3 of the lamps keep burning out within 2 weeks of installation everytime. the other 2 lamps remain energized and fine. problem persists whether incandescent or mini compact flourescent lamps are used. any clue on what would cause this.

Was this handled in a PM? or Pure deduction, there's some big doomed
Luminaries out there, You know... :) All good Points Larry ...

5 lamp fixture that one could use A-19's or CFL's - Sherlock's services were not needed for Mr Boldenspicey either. ;)
Personally I have a real hard time believing that a loose connection in a lamp socket will shorten the lamp life.

I agree, you would think there would some flickering going on that would make a connection problem more obvious.
I think a fluorescent would fail prematurely with loose connection due to constant starting or attemting to start. Incandescent I'm not so sure.

Have the lamps all been used from the same package or lot? Bad batch?
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Usually when I have seen something like this, the tab in the socket is jammed all the way to the bottom and not making good contact. sometimes arcing has burned holes into the base of the lamp.
Usually when I have seen something like this, the tab in the socket is jammed all the way to the bottom and not making good contact. sometimes arcing has burned holes into the base of the lamp.
Me too - found this to be the case in many older fixtures - and one of the more puzzling troubleshooting mysteries. The arcing contacts while seem to light the bulb just fine eventually kill the lamp life to ~50% or <.

Heinz e57?
I preffer Mr Boldenspicey... Or Mr Hottensmokey... Truley it is just a lucky number...
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