Arlington nm844 ul listed?

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Senior Member
Does anybody know if this connector is UL listed or not? The catalog says it can have up to ten 12-2 romex in it. I don't really like that particular style connector much, but for panel replacement jobs this might come in handy on occasion.
What do you guys think of that Cable tray Arlington has listed on the first page? (Using the link provided from cadpoint) I suppose it could be nice if the panel is in an unfinished basement but what about bundling issues?
Kind of strange that it says 9-14/2, but 10-12/2.
The 10) 12-2's is for NM, the 9) 14-2's is for 'flex cord,' whatever that means; probably rubber cord.

Added: The 843 is rather versatile, too.
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I google Arlington nm884 and got nothing.

The others seen to know what your talking about, But I don't.

Is a cable tray or what?
Installation Instructions
1. Disconnect electrical power.
Push the connector into knockout.
2. Install required cables or cords.

3. Place wedge in connector
slot and lock tight with a pair
of pliers. Tightened wedge
provides strong, positive grip.

What? You don't add cables in a live box? :roll:
Installation Instructions
1. Disconnect electrical power.
Push the connector into knockout.
2. Install required cables or cords.

3. Place wedge in connector
slot and lock tight with a pair
of pliers. Tightened wedge
provides strong, positive grip.

What? You don't add cables in a live box? :roll:

Its called "liabililty"..and they have lawyers for that!:D
They're just dumbing down the world. One day your car will have instructions on the steering wheel about not hitting pedestrians etc etc etc.....:grin:

LOL:grin: You are probably right. I already have to look at a permanent label on my visor warning me not to take corners too tight or I might flip my vehicle..:roll:
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