Please help! Couplings in a service mast

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offsets in service mast

offsets in service mast

I am in a situation that I really need to use a 2 inch rigid offset just above my meter socket. To do this I would have to put a coupling to attach to my 2 inch RMC that extends from there. Is this a major problem with NEC? My local Co-op seems not to know.. Help please.
I am in a situation that I really need to use a 2 inch rigid offset just above my meter socket. To do this I would have to put a coupling to attach to my 2 inch RMC that extends from there. Is this a major problem with NEC? My local Co-op seems not to know.. Help please.
Can you give a little better description? How is the conduit going to be supported after the offset? Proper support is the name of the game.
anybody for welding some strut to it???:) oops; didn't realize there were 60+ posts to the thread already.
Get the goofy metal sculptor who made the stupid designs in the park that nobody recognizes to do some of that decorative welding that people pay big $ for.
I am in a situation that I really need to use a 2 inch rigid offset just above my meter socket. To do this I would have to put a coupling to attach to my 2 inch RMC that extends from there. Is this a major problem with NEC? My local Co-op seems not to know.. Help please.

As I picture what you've described so far:

If you're threaded coupling is--
(1) near or just above the offset and
(2) below the roof line and
(3) 2' or more below the top of the mast,
(4) and it is strapped well

then it sounds as though you may be OK. More information could help a lot. :)
Get the goofy metal sculptor who made the stupid designs in the park that nobody recognizes to do some of that decorative welding that people pay big $ for.

they have that kind of stuff in GA. I thought the people down that way had more common sense than that. BTW, I've got 20 relatives in Marietta.
they have that kind of stuff in GA. I thought the people down that way had more common sense than that. BTW, I've got 20 relatives in Marietta.
Marietta is not the bad spot, you have to go a few more miles south & east to reach the goofy zone. Atlanta is a big melting pot and includes just about anything you wish you never saw.

Next time you are in Marietta, try Brandi's World Famous Hot Dogs (on Church St. behind Cobb EMC). Taste it before you add the hot sauce! I wish I had one right now.
Marietta is not the bad spot, you have to go a few more miles south & east to reach the goofy zone. Atlanta is a big melting pot and includes just about anything you wish you never saw.

Next time you are in Marietta, try Brandi's World Famous Hot Dogs (on Church St. behind Cobb EMC). Taste it before you add the hot sauce! I wish I had one right now.

Looking forward to Christmas in GA, and (now) World Famous Hot Dogs!! Yeah, I think I've been to the goofy zone, too... at least one of them east of downtown ATL, by that elongated park. Gotta love the fishing on the Chattahooche. Good times. And for the Mods., when you're fishing there, you can get caught in some incredible Lightning storms, at least I did, on the weekend after I was at an electrician conference.
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I wish I was able to post this diagram but it's a PDF file and it will not allow me to copy and paste. Anyway, this link is to the installation manual from PSE&G here in NJ. If you scroll down and look at page A-12 in the appendix there is a notation that clearly indicates "no couplings permitted above highest support". Now I know this is only one POCO's rule but I would imagine that most POCO's follow suit in a similar manner.
I would have argured that it's strapped according to NEC but would have simply installed an additional support without too much fuss. Double strapping at the coupling isn't a completely rediculous request.

Removing a support was plain dumb. All because their specs weren't written properly :roll:

Had an inspector tell me to cut a continuos ground and put another clamp.

Not to bright.
I agree, I will also add that of the few mast services I have done I have never had to install guy wires and I would not want to.

Full stick on the top, pressure connector at the meter to deal with the unthreaded cut section.

I have never used a WT connector on a service, maybe I'm cheep or because I have a threader.

If possible I figure it to put the unthreaded section at the weather head.

Not that you are working backwards.:D
I wish I was able to post this diagram but .....

Will this work?

[from post #24 ~ be sure to read posts # #25 and #26 as there was some confusion in 24 on MY part]

**********'s a PDF file and it will not allow me to copy and paste.

Got Vista?
If so....
Enter Snip into SEARCH
Click on the "Snipping Tool"

If no Vista, tell me what OS and I'll help you get a screen capture or something.
you guys are showing me poco sketches from your areas.
they don't apply here, as GPC has no such wording in their blue book which is what we go by. They hooked us prob.
I still have seen only one reply that gave any kind of a code reference, and I greatly appreciate that one. that's what I was looking for, not opinions and design sketches from 1000 miles away.

You asked for information. You got answers from individuals who can answer in regards to where they usually work, as the POCO has the say in Riser type service installations.

230.28 is the closest you will find an NEC reference to this topic.
"it shall be of adequate strength or be supported by braces or guys to withstand safely the strain imposed by the service drop."

This, in my opinion, is enough to permit the inspector to disqualify your installation, especially in conjunction with your POCO as well.
Will this work?

Got Vista?
If so....
Enter Snip into SEARCH
Click on the "Snipping Tool"

If no Vista, tell me what OS and I'll help you get a screen capture or something.
Thanks Bob(iwire) & Celtic for posting the PDF. Don't have Vista. Still using XP. In the market for a new computer but I'm not hearing good things about Vista and on top of that Windows 7 is coming out this month. Sooooo confused:confused:

I've posted this before but this is basically what could happen when you use a coupling beyond the last support

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Don't have Vista. Still using XP.

Print Screen [with the PDF/screen you want to capture]
Open "Paintbrush"

Tada ~ save it as a jpeg

Open some image editing software [Picture It! may be pre-loaded]
Crop and edit the jpeg.


A few more steps, but you already own all the software necessary.
More detail to previous ???

More detail to previous ???

Can you give a little better description? How is the conduit going to be supported after the offset? Proper support is the name of the game.

The 2" RMC will be supported in 2 places below the roof line with Hot dipped galvanized pipe clamps with 1/2 inch Stainless steel all thread going through clamps on both sides and then through the building which has for one clamp, a @x 6 backing plate , the other has a 4 x 4 backing plate, both attached to the building studs. The mast will only protrude 30 inches above roof line and have to support 63 foot of service drop. Both clamps will be one just above coupling and one just below the roof line. These are very heavy duty industrial clamps used in refineries to support electrical masts . I am sure RMS will bend or wall will come off before RMS will let go.
As I picture what you've described so far:

If you're threaded coupling is--
(1) near or just above the offset and
(2) below the roof line and
(3) 2' or more below the top of the mast,
(4) and it is strapped well

then it sounds as though you may be OK. More information could help a lot. :)

Coupling attached to the 2" rigid offset, will be 30" below roof line, Coupling will be 6 foot from the top of the mast and strapped with the Best heavy duty Hot dipped Galvanized clamps that we used in the refineries here, with 1/2" stainless all thread, with SS nuts, washers and lock nuts through the waal with 2x6 and 4x4 back up plates on the inside for all thread go through.
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