Me vs. the customer

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I was in my first year in the trade and I seen a panel explode in a guy's face. It was at a hosptial (of all places), and he tried to change a breaker while the panel was energized. I don't remember all of the details, the hows and whys, but I will never forget the way he looked after the explosion. His skin was fried to a crisp, and the scent of burning flesh is horrible. He survived maybe three days, and then passed on. Frnakly I don't care if the POCO takes ten days to restore power to a home - my job is done and that is between the HO and the POCO. I personally think anyone who works a service while it's energized is a complete idiot, and should have their head examined. No way, no how. I have seen the aftermath, and like Larry Fine mentioned - unlimited current. And a lot of it. Please think it over next time you say to yourself "it'll only take a second", because that's usually all it takes, and then you leave behind a widow and kids, and for what? I can go way out in left field on this issue, as it aggrevates me to see people so careless with their own lives. Stick around in the trade long enough, and sooner or later you'll become a believer in having the service de-energized.
I have told them all that and more. Refrigerators, people are living here.

Get a generator and then what. Who feeds that for a week? The customer gets burned with gas, who is responsible?

For the last few years I have not done any UG service changes. I will get the next one in writing.

I agree, what is the big deal. According to Edison and DWP -- If they disconnect the wire in the hand hole, they need a power release from the BD before reconnect.

They need to cut the red tape.

As I have said, in this time where it is safety first? AFCI's, GFCI's etc..

We make sure no one gets shocked or killed in a fire.

Who cares about a stinking, bloodsucking contractors.

Do it hot I hope you die is the attitude I face.


Let us see how many hoops we can make them jump through before they go broke.

"they need a power release from the BD before reconnect" There is your answer. Find out how to get a power release work with from your BD. The power company isn't your problem with this 1. They are your friend. This is stanard proceedure with the power company. They aren't going to release power without authorization.

If your BD wont issue power release work withs, you need to go to your County Counsel with videos of what can happen when this work is done hot and explain to them that currently there is no procedure for obtaining work withs. Possibly a work with can be obtained by licensed electrical contractors that have done and had service changes pass inspection previously and a final inspection done within 24hours of the work with.
customers like that dont have profitably friends/family. They complain about the electrician to their cats and son in laws, who are trying to get their drink on. no matter how you decide to resolve this, dont spend money or lose sleep. crazy old ladys talk allot, but everyone knows the are crazy. and they dont listen. be a real contractor, make sure your final payment is $100 and pretend you died when she calls. move on and laugh.
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crazy old ladys talk allot, but everyone knows the are crazy. and they dont listen. be a real contractor, make sure your final payment is $100 and pretend you died when she calls. move on and laugh.
Hey, that's someone's mother you're talking about! :mad: :)grin:)
"they need a power release from the BD before reconnect" There is your answer. Find out how to get a power release work with from your BD. The power company isn't your problem with this 1. They are your friend. This is stanard proceedure with the power company. They aren't going to release power without authorization.

If your BD wont issue power release work withs, you need to go to your County Counsel with videos of what can happen when this work is done hot and explain to them that currently there is no procedure for obtaining work withs. Possibly a work with can be obtained by licensed electrical contractors that have done and had service changes pass inspection previously and a final inspection done within 24hours of the work with.

There is where the problem lies yes. The senior inspector comes out with a fishing vest of all the seminars he has attended. Always comes late if at all. And knows he is a tyrant and loves it. X contractor who couldn't make it. I stopped taking jobs in his area.

I do blame the field personal of Edison also. Not to have the common decency to unhook a couple of wires in a hand hole 20' away, and come back later to reconnect.

Bt hey, rules are rules. Or as I call it, "Flawed Logic".
There is where the problem lies yes. The senior inspector comes out with a fishing vest of all the seminars he has attended. Always comes late if at all. And knows he is a tyrant and loves it. X contractor who couldn't make it. I stopped taking jobs in his area.

I do blame the field personal of Edison also. Not to have the common decency to unhook a couple of wires in a hand hole 20' away, and come back later to reconnect.

Bt hey, rules are rules. Or as I call it, "Flawed Logic".

How would you like to be the Edison guy that hooks up something without the required paper work that blows up. Your problem is the senior inspector. You need to go to who he works for with the situation and ask them how to handle the situation.
It's Friday, and no word yet from the TV repairman. But, I received my check yesterday :):), written and signed by the womans husband. I'm not sure really what went on, or what kind of meds this lady could have (must have) been on. Lesson learned, boys and girls, when doing a service upgrade, unplug all electronics and TV's from the circuits, and plug them in after verifying voltage. Have fun, be safe, and thanks for everyone's input, I'm off to work.

Have the customer do it. That way it is not your responsibility if something is missed.
I too have been there done that. I tried to fight it and went all the way to court Cost me hundreds in fees. TRUST me its cheaper to buy her a new TV than trying to fight it. As far as the how it could happen thing...Only way is that the TV receptacle had the Neutral disconnected before unpowering it or just plain old age Best of luck with your choices
Many moons ago in a another life, I was also an appliance repairman{No Maytag jokes, please}. I went to a customer's house to replace a leaking washer hose. After this simple, non-electrical repair the washer was fine. Two days later the same customer called to say she had no hot water. I told her I would write another service ticket and be right out. She said "Oh, no! No new service ticket. You caused the problem, you have to fix it for free. " Now the rest of the story is that the washer and water heater were on oposite ends of the house and the water nor water heater were ever turned off for this repair. Bottom line is I rfefused to make the second unrelated, free repair. Lost a cuatomer but cured a headache. Remember: If you loan a man $20 and you never see him again, it was probably worth it.
The whole issue is properly taken care of with a properly worded proposal in the first place. Risk Mitigation is a subject that most overlook, but essential in business.

Absolutely. The trick is to not go in to a service call with a multi-page exemption for them to sign. I too, have opened a neutral on a multi-wire circuit that fed the entire 2nd floor (main trunk line of K&T). Fried just about everything imaginable. List is too long to mention, and expensive. That was before I went out on my own. Now, I try to mitigate risk on the job better, but somethings need to be spelled out. CYA but still get the work in the door w/o customer signing a 10 page document...
you are screwed,the economy are making people do just that,even if they are honest I'm surprised you dint tell them to unplug all electronic equipment and test every outlet,theres nothing you could say its going to change there mind. I learned my lesson along time ago.
Contractors are afraid to turn over claims to their insurance, that is just nuts, once you agree to settle with them, and don't have a release from your insurer, you open for all kinds of claims from that customer.
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