STV....for fun.

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So I am doing this craft/trade show with my wife. I have a lot of down time. Its in a horse arena building. They roll carpet out. If the dirty wasnt so lumpy you wouldn't know the floors were dirt.

All the booths get temp power fed to them. OK its temp power, so not everything is 100% I get it. At first It seemed everything was safe, all the power taps in the spaces were GFI protected. But then I saw (picture name) Show 1.

The require you to state your watts needed when you sign up for the show, 500, 1000, or 1500. I guess this is not just for cost but to do a load calc maybe?

Well those fans look great. They stopped tripping after they started the "emergency breaker chilling"

Then "show 7"....That was in my wifes space. It's not extension cord its 10/2 NM. In a box on the floor. The box is bonded, but the supply is not GFI protected and the floor under that carpet is dirt.

Show 2: SER zip tied to a plastic fence.

Show 3: In use covers YEA! 50 amp receptacle exposed boo!

Show 4: Why not???

Show 5: SO cord zip tied to the tent. Its a bit sloppy.

Show 6: This was something a vendor did, its a NEMA 6 50P receptacle to an 20P adapter to a 3 way splitter.

All in all it was a good show, but I thought these were worth posting.
Not suprised by these pictures at all. I have attended a major music festival in Southern Kansas two of the last three years. Some of the temp power for lights and recepts @ check in points is downright dangerous. Two wire ACSR tied to cattle panels, then to distribution?? point. Told wife & GKs not to touch any fence while we were there.
Tempory requires the work to meet code, and it also needs permits, and inspections, all I can say about the photos is, OOOH MY! I would not want to be, the building owner. After all the deaths and injures at these events, you would think they learned something.
anyone using NM for temp power like this should be togtied and drug behind a truck with the stuff. Havent these people ever heard of SO cord? And I cringe when I see these home made portable power distribution units with a breaker panel screwed to a piece of plywood.
Yea the feeders to the sub panels are all SO inside/outside, execept the one piece of SER.

The work was being performed by a licensed EC, they were there running around fixing stuff as the day went on. I believe this to be true based on te guy with the set of Wiggies, the two screw drivers and the tired look on his face!

I cannot believe is not permitted the Fire Department was there, all the temp propane tanks for the food had posted temp permits. Someone knows this is going on.
Yea the feeders to the sub panels are all SO inside/outside, execept the one piece of SER.

The work was being performed by a licensed EC, they were there running around fixing stuff as the day went on. I believe this to be true based on te guy with the set of Wiggies, the two screw drivers and the tired look on his face!

I cannot believe is not permitted the Fire Department was there, all the temp propane tanks for the food had posted temp permits. Someone knows this is going on.

I can beelieve this was done by a licensed EC. The thing is, few EC are equipped for jobs like this. Temporary event power should be done by temporary event power guys -the ones with miles of SO cable, SC feeder with camlock connectors, UL Listed (UL1640) portable power distribution equipment and the like.
At another trade show, we found the ventilated(holes large enough to put fingers through and contact the live terminals) step down transformers all located in the public aisles.As engineers,we immediately shut down the show until it was corrected.Questions were later asked such as,who inspected and passed this? etc.:mad:
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