Service Drop

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I don't like it either. Service feeder looks a little small, no?

Looks like you have a teleco or cabletv cable attached to a mast support bracket. That's probably a violation of POCO requirements because service masts can't be used to support anything else.

I'm not sure if the proximity to teleco or cabletv in air is a concern or not.

Is the mast rusting?

I don't like it either. Service feeder looks a little small, no?

Looks like you have a teleco or cabletv cable attached to a mast support bracket. That's probably a violation of POCO requirements because service masts can't be used to support anything else.

I'm not sure if the proximity to teleco or cabletv in air is a concern or not.

Is the mast rusting?


Not sure that that could actually qualify as a mast. It does not poke thru the roof. The poco still probably wouldn't allow those telephone lines to attach to that hanger.
Aside from restating whats already been pointed out....just how many fittings are on the end of that 90? And it looks like the feeders are only 2 hots coming from the pole and 3 into the weatherhead.....nm it's 4 wires and they're double tapped. Still how come the feeders going to the meter are bigger than the ones coming from the pole?
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Still how come the feeders going to the meter are bigger than the ones coming from the pole?

This one has bugged me for some time - I've pointed this out (and will do again) during past inspections. Follow-ups with the clients later on usually (but not always) resulted in the POCO saying its ok because the service drop is in "free air".
And it looks like the feeders are only 2 hots coming from the pole and 3 into the weatherhead.....nm it's 4 wires and they're double tapped. ?

There are two separate 150-amp Siemens panels in the basement - run separately in the conduit into the single meter. These wires then come into a common cable tray (if that is the correct term) in the basement between the two panels - one wire set goes left and the other right.
No - it is well protected by the overhang

I saw some orange, but maybe it's paint.

Utility runs conductors in free air which allows for better heat dissipation.

I think that they're sized to the demand load and not necessarily the service for most residential services.
I saw some orange, but maybe it's paint.

Utility runs conductors in free air which allows for better heat dissipation.

I think that they're sized to the demand load and not necessarily the service for most residential services.

Yea, the orange is from the brownish stain on the home

I do not know the demand load - just the fact that (2) 150-amp panels are present.
What POCO runs is not at issue. The drop for phone and cable i don't like as seems bit close. Lean on the cable and phone company to change. Rest looks fine to me.
My 4/0 alum is hooked to a 260 foot drop (with poles) to #2 alum and can't get poco to change. There ID 10 T says he checked voltage under his so called load. Only thing helping is house next door has been vacant for years. It was also on same line. I have changed 2 of my 3 Central airs to a heat pump and 3rd is only 5KW. We are talking 3600 sq feet of home, 2 washers 2 dryers, hot tub and everything is electric. Total AC is 14 to 15 tons at peak use. Just getting by on 200 amp service. Guess when i fry the wires they wake up .
I am not sure if anyone has noticed, but the conductor in the EMT riser are paralleled. I wonder if the size is correct based on the ampacity adjustment necessary to be accounted for.

I believe the OP stated they are not parallel but serve separate loads, two separate meters and panels, in basement. derating would still apply though, if even necessary.

see post#9
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