What gives?

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Senior Member
Been jobless for a couple weeks now, third time this year through no fault of my own. It's looking a little worse than it did before. I've hit up almost everybody in a 75 mile radius. I've called people showed up at shops and job sites ready to go tools in the truck. I've done applications, resumes, even resorted to the internet somewhat, and had a couple actually take the time to interview. Not to toot my own horn but I'm a machine in the field but the work just isn't there. Something has to give. Any ideas or further suggestions? :mad:
Yes, I have a suggestion. Do not expect the world to treat you fairly because you are good. It is about like expecting a bull not to charge because you are a vegetarian. That and in desparate times- go on craigslist and do some "hack" work....
Yes, I have a suggestion. Do not expect the world to treat you fairly because you are good. It is about like expecting a bull not to charge because you are a vegetarian. That and in desparate times- go on craigslist and do some "hack" work....
Nice one....wonder where you got that from. :grin:

What part of K.Y ? Have you any industrial troubleshooting skills.

Lexington is me. No, most of mine has been commercial with the occasional residential. About the closest I've came to breaking into industrial is doing a little high bay lighting and running some rigid now and then. I spent a few years in the navy working on radars and I've done a lot of commercial and residential service but nothing industrial really.
Maybe it has to do with the wage your requesting? You should realize there are a lot of good guys out there just like you looking for the same jobs, and maybe willing to take those jobs at a lesser rate.
Maybe it has to do with the wage your requesting? You should realize there are a lot of good guys out there just like you looking for the same jobs, and maybe willing to take those jobs at a lesser rate.

Nah, at this point in the game I've left that open to negotiation for the most part. I'm sure there are a lot looking for commercial. I'd love to break into industrial some but I've just never been in the position of working for an EC where I had a lot of opportunity. But also it seems before the last year or so a guy could get laid off today and have 5 jobs this afternoon.
employment is always the LAST thing to improve.

First the guys on the payroll have to get their 40, then some OT, and then some temp hires... before the co will justify adding people FT again.

has it worked differently than that where you are in the past?

No that is the way it has been in the past. Labor is the last.

What makes this different is demographics. Most people do the same things at the same ages.

The baby boomers are retiring and there will not be another surge until the eco boomers finish the family formation and go into their spending wave.

Bright spot is we can look forward to higher taxes, and hyper inflation.
There is still a lot of fear out there. Employment may take a while to come along.

The thing that scares me most is that the stock market is going like gang busters for no apparent reason.

What makes this different is demographics. Most people do the same things at the same ages.

The baby boomers are retiring and there will not be another surge until the eco boomers finish the family formation and go into their spending wave.

Bright spot is we can look forward to higher taxes, and hyper inflation.

Well, One might well be surprised what age and who exactly is a baby boomer!

As I recall, It seems that anyone right up to the age of 50 is, so anyone born right up till the 60's is a Boomer...

I know, I won't be retiring, but I will be working till I pass on...
Well, One might well be surprised what age and who exactly is a baby boomer!

As I recall, It seems that anyone right up to the age of 50 is, so anyone born right up till the 60's is a Boomer...

I know, I won't be retiring, but I will be working till I pass on...

I agree. I think it is highly likely that anyone under 60 will never really retire, other than people with real money. The average guy like most of us will have to work until we drop dead.
Well, One might well be surprised what age and who exactly is a baby boomer!

As I recall, It seems that anyone right up to the age of 50 is, so anyone born right up till the 60's is a Boomer...

I know, I won't be retiring, but I will be working till I pass on...

The question is, are you saving or spending. Yes I am a baby boomer (tail end) 61' and I am in my spending wave. I think we are in the down spin of the demographic, similar to Japan 90 to present.
I believe that if you can't get a job doing what you want to do, then pursue something else until some electrical work comes along. Personally, I would rather be a door greeter at Wal-Mart than to sit around broke and unemployed. The economy will turn around, and so far (even though it has lasted so long) it is doing better now than expected.
I believe that if you can't get a job doing what you want to do, then pursue something else until some electrical work comes along. Personally, I would rather be a door greeter at Wal-Mart than to sit around broke and unemployed. The economy will turn around, and so far (even though it has lasted so long) it is doing better now than expected.

I'm almost to that point now. I've been looking at a little bit of everything.
I agree. I think it is highly likely that anyone under 60 will never really retire, other than people with real money. The average guy like most of us will have to work until we drop dead.

I agree I figure I will have to work as long as I am able to.
At this point Can't see any other way. Hope my health holds out!
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