What gives?

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Been jobless for a couple weeks now, third time this year through no fault of my own. It's looking a little worse than it did before. I've hit up almost everybody in a 75 mile radius. I've called people showed up at shops and job sites ready to go tools in the truck. I've done applications, resumes, even resorted to the internet somewhat, and had a couple actually take the time to interview. Not to toot my own horn but I'm a machine in the field but the work just isn't there. Something has to give. Any ideas or further suggestions? :mad:
Can you reup till things get ok?
Can you reup till things get ok?

Unemployment you mean? Unfortunately not really. They go off what you paid in the last 4 of 5 quarters. I was in Canada for a year ending right around the first of April this year so that would be below minimal if at all.
Been unemployed since 07-10-09. NC is paying me for my time off. I got an offer the other month for 15 hour, service call and I would have to use my own truck. Wow who pays the Insurance fuel etc.

Dont feel like working for free. Plus I have a chevy 3500..Parts and fuel are a killer
Randomly got a phone call today from someone I'd gotten in touch with during the last lay off wanting me to start Thursday. Not clear yet if this is perm or temp just "to get over a few humps" but it beats being at the house. Now that I'm going back to work my phone will probably ring off the hook. Almost never fails. :grin:
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