Windows 7

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I have a Mac and was wondering about the new OS from MSFT. I have 2 other computers with XP I still use.

I have been waiting for something other than Vista.

I couldn't wait and had to buy a Mac. They have the MSFT office package.

I wish they could get along, standardize things, and quite punishing us.

One has the close on the right the other on the left.

I can't play some emails because Mac does not support?

The keys on the Mac are too square for my fat fingers.:D

I need another computer soon and am glad MSFT came up with something new.

And agree with the previous post and think it is a good idea to wait until the ambiance wares off.
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I agree. I've taken some liberties with the OP. I thought it suggested options, one option to upgrade to Windows 7, one to stick with Vista, one to stick with XP, and I suggested switching to Apple as another option.

Other issues are, how long will MS support XP? How long before a SP1, 2 or 3 comes out, if needed. From my point of view MS hasn't done much for me since the release of XP on October 25, 2001 and the release of XP SP2 on August 6, 2004.

I decided to get an Apple earlier in the year because the PC was interfering with office productivity. The Mac has been extremely productive with a short learning curve. I think Apple is already producing what MS is promising.

PS I think your issues with playing emails is that .mwv is proprietary MS that Apple doesn't have the rights to.
I gave up this arguement years ago.... now it seems moot. If it wasnt for post count, I would probably change username. Just a side note, my first Mac was a little clasic 2, black and white, came with a 40 meg hard drive, 4 megs of ram and was years ahead of IBM style dos machines, with its mouse and local area network abilities built in. It still works fine, but yeah I have new models nowadays.....
How much did you pay to upgrade?

I use 2-24 inch screens, and sometimes I may have 10 windows open. My computer guy optimized my new computer, it is screaming fast. Although for my visits here, I am on my laptop with another 24 inch screen connected to the laptop. I also have a number of open windows here as well.

I used to buy a new car every 2 years, I used to upgrade before the upgrades even were available.
I just sold my car - 10 years old and plan on keeping my new car for years. I have not upgraded my windows platform, although I have upgraded the computer(s). :D

I have 7 Ultimate. It installed very easy and it was free.
I run Office 2003 and Quick books Premier Contractor Edition 2006 with no problems.
I use a 24" Samsung 1080p monitor with built in HD tuner (just one for me)

Ive kept the last two Chevys that I have bought new for 10 years
I'm using W2K. I can't even run the W7 download advisor.

My computer itself can handle it. It's a 3.2GHz P4.
Once u go mac u never go back

Once u go mac u never go back

OK Back in the day when I thought Windows was the thing I invested in the training and got my A+,Net+,Server+, MCSE, CCNA. And after fighting with my brother for many years on this argument of which OS is better MAC or PC. I have found the light.

I now own a MAC, an IMac, 24 inch. Not only did I buy one. I converted my gateway PC into a MAC. Its running LEOPARD (Snow Leopard is too new and has small downsides. Drivers etc).

Wait I took a step further. I also converted my Gateway Tablet laptop. Its so cool..

Any question?

OK yes you can run Quickbooks
Yes you can run Microsoft Office on it.
Yes no virus, but you can transmit them. Easy fix just get one (antivirus)and it stop them. When I say no virus I mean no virus.
you can still run windows if you need to with Parallel Desktop
or Fusion.

Now all we need is these estimating companies to create there program for MAC or Linux

Oh did I mention that you can is Ubuntu on your pc..its Free works great too..No viruses


If you go to you will find the information site and the forum. Review the wiki site and look at the components, Desktop or Laptop devices used by other users. They will post the drivers they used and there units.

I had to take down to the chipset and match drivers. Its full of information that will help. There is different version of Mac OS. I am using 10.5.6, I used IPC..Go on you tube and search Hackintosh...Enjoy
Thanks for the links. Like many, I've just bought new computers when needed--the last MAC I had was ditched about 1995. Lately, having so much frustration with MR. Bill's stuff, I've been exploring Linux-based stuff, but hadn't heard about Hackintosh. That is truly cool. My wife has hated every computer we've had since the MAC. And I've even had two with VISTA. :mad: Again, thanks.
i think the problem is not so much with windows, but with the demand placed on manufacturer's to build the cheapest computer possible that will run windows.

if you purchase a PC @ the same price as a mac, you shouldn't have any problems w/ that PC as it will most likely contain quality components.

you can't pay $300 for a new desktop and complain about it when it locks up running multiple programs.
i can't tell you how many new PC's i've seen running vista and have less than 1GB of ram and a single core 2ghz processor.

i haven't experienced a crash (other than those that i caused by doing something goofy) since that awful thing called windows millenium. now they did deserve a lot of heat for that.

i'm definitely a PC guy; i have no problem w/ mac's other than obnoxious fanboys. mac's are great for people that don't know how to properly use or shop for a computer; not to say that it isn't a nice computer in general. the components work flawlessly with each other whereas w/ PC's, you have hundreds of manufacturer's providing the components. the cheapest imac is $1200; for $1200 you could get an extremely powerful custom built PC that wouldn't have any problems.

as for windows 7; been using it since the RC came out and loving it.
Thank you

Thank you

Thanks Jrannis,

Now for the PC guy. Yes I can build any pc or hackintosh. And yes there is a big difference.

1. PC get spyware, trogens, viruses, backdoor attacks and attack after attack. Go to a web site and catch a virus and so on.

Mac's don't viruses.

2. PC have to install programs that move the files and DLL and have to defrag drives. Worst case the MFT gets corrupted.

MAC's- The new programs don't install in the computer. They are called packages. They are self contain. Think of a excel file you click and it opens. The older programs still install. And the OS is Unix base, Way more EFF OS and file structure.

3. PC you need to download drivers and install this and that to get it going. Ops dont for get the new update. Oh I want to install a program but need the .NET program ok download this, oh wait I need the Windows installer. Ok oh wait now something else.

MAC's- When I got my IMAC, just a 24" monitor with a power plug and a wireless keyboard and mouse. Plug to he wall turn on and it all works. I have more trouble turning on my TV or garbage disposal.

Now as for parts PC and MACs have the same hardware. You can buy top of the line for PC and build your own that will run you into the low $900 or high $1200. MAC's are built with high end parts..No federal PAcific here buddy. Go to HP and buy a toaster with USB 2.0 ports.

You are talking chicago brand tools (Harbor Freight) to DeWalt. hahahah

This is fun:D
1. PC get spyware, trogens, viruses, backdoor attacks and attack after attack. Go to a web site and catch a virus and so on.

Mac's don't viruses.

that's a flat out lie, or you just don't know any better. i'm guessing the latter.

mac's haven't been targeted as windows-based PC's have in the past, but they are now.
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