Spot the Violation: A video quiz....

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The person who made the video asked for comments. Has anyone sent him the violations?
We should add, never troubleshoot or repair while using video camera.
cut strands???

cut strands???

look carfully at the neutral bar, did he cut a few stands off of the #1 wire to fit in a #4 lug ???

BTW I have to deal with guys like bubba, I usuallly say "looks good to me from my house" and walk away.
I wouldn't have caught that #12 in there if it hadn't been for one of the comments. I'm always amazed at how much some of you guys catch from bad video and tiny little pictures. Kudos to you!
Besides all the other violations wouldn't 408.36 also come into play?

in the video, at the time he was saying "the power pole is over by the house" if you paused it, you can see a meter right above this panel he was working on.
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Are you talking about that #12 he snuck into the breaker?

Or do you just mean his (Moderator's Note: Allusion to ethnic origin has been removed) accent? That's a violation in itself.

You realize that many members of this forum, myself included, and I'm quite sure cadpoint also, speak with this same southern accent?

I would normally find it offensive, but since you were unaware, you are forgiven. Certainly a gentlemen wouldn't make the same mistake twice.
You realize that many members of this forum, myself included, and I'm quite sure cadpoint also, speak with this same southern accent?

I didn't say anything about a southern accent.

K8MHZ cleared it up in post #14 pretty well.
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IF the pressure switch for his air compressor had been closed when he touched that other leg wire that was determed, he would have gotten nailed. That would have taught him a lesson. He touched it with his finger while kneeling in wet grass. He got lucky
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