Need help identifying track head producer

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Customer would like to modernize some fixtures and if possible use existing track. Does anyone recognize these and who made them? They were installed circa 1982. The backs and fronts are two pieces held together by two spring clips (I'm assuming you could get varied fronts for a standard back). None of the cans or track has a legible tag anymore. Thanks!
how much track are you dealing with? if its just a couple pieces, I wouldnt waste too much time trying to match the heads with it, you will wind up spending more time in labor looking for it than if you just bought all new matching track and heads.
how much track are you dealing with? if its just a couple pieces, I wouldnt waste too much time trying to match the heads with it, you will wind up spending more time in labor looking for it than if you just bought all new matching track and heads.

It's a "modern" style house from the late 70s early 80s. Lots of track lighting... I'll be checking with some lighting people as well. If I don't find a match, I'll try and sell them an upgrade, but it won't be cheap with how much track they'll need.
Just take one of the heads with you to a good lighting guy. The one I deal with can tell any brand by the contact stem, whether it's one he carries or not.
Peter, I don't know what part of Lanc. County you're in, but Yale electric on Manheim Pk has a pretty good lighting staff. I think that Schaedler Yesco also has a good lighting staff.

If you're in the southern end, I'd recommend Cash and Carry Electrical.

Let me know if know of some others that are good.
Sharpie, I use Yale in West Chester. They guessed Progress too, and I took one with me to verify. Sure enough, it's an old Progress line, probably commercial. The same housing also came with a built-in transformer for PAR 36 bulbs. Got some new fixtures and upgraded them and the old ones in that room to Ushio PAR 30 lamps and the customers are really happy. They'll be doing the rest of the house as budget allows. Thanks everyone!
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