Septic Drain Pipe for Conduit

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Tampa, FL, USA
I just saw an unusual pipe material used as conduit on a feeder to a 400A safety switch. The 4" corrugated plastic pipe was a septic drain pipe, and the fitting at the switch enclosure was a 4" PVC plumbing elbow. This sure seems to be an NEC violaton, but I cannot point to a reference other than 110.3(A)(1) on "suitable for installation." Is there a better NEC reference that prohibits installations like this, or is it actually acceptable to protect conductors in this manner? Thanks and Happy Thanksgiving.
Only wiring methods listed in Chapter 3 are permitted for premise wiring systems.

Septic drain pipe is not listed in Chapter 3 so it is not acceptable as a wiring method.

I just saw an unusual pipe material used as conduit on a feeder to a 400A safety switch. The 4" corrugated plastic pipe was a septic drain pipe, and the fitting at the switch enclosure was a 4" PVC plumbing elbow.

No picture?
I've seen that corrugated black poly pipe used to sleeve direct burial feeders in rocky soil in my area. Just thinking out loud here....if the conductors are rated for DB and the pipe is used as a sleeve with no emeregence from the ground, is it still a violation?
I've seen that corrugated black poly pipe used to sleeve direct burial feeders in rocky soil in my area. Just thinking out loud here....if the conductors are rated for DB and the pipe is used as a sleeve with no emeregence from the ground, is it still a violation?

sounds dangerous someone could find it in the ground looking for a drain pipe problem and cut through it to rod or tee in.
I've seen that corrugated black poly pipe used to sleeve direct burial feeders in rocky soil in my area. Just thinking out loud here....if the conductors are rated for DB and the pipe is used as a sleeve with no emeregence from the ground, is it still a violation?

What about fishing it through a garden hose before burying it? Not that I'd want to, but "so what"? I'd ask the same question about NM inside - if otherwise properly secured and protected, what if it was run through a garden hose? Does the NEC "care"?
What about fishing it through a garden hose before burying it? Not that I'd want to, but "so what"? I'd ask the same question about NM inside - if otherwise properly secured and protected, what if it was run through a garden hose? Does the NEC "care"?

Good Point:)
This one is at a new level.

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