Meltric Plugs

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Joe Prevette

New member
Mike; The question I have is ;can you use meltric plugs instead of a disconnect. This is on a fan attached on the roof.
Welcome to the forum.:)

Mike is a very busy man and rarely posts in this forum.

Please help me out, what is a meltric plug?

As far as the requirement for disconnecting means take a look at 430.109.

I've used them for that purpose for several years on chemical skids and lubrication skids. It allows quick changeout. They make several styles of connectors so make sure you're buying the load break plugs.

For those not familiar with Meltric, they have internal spring loaded contacts in the plug assembly much like a contactor in an MCC bucket. They are rated to load break but I've always insisted the motor be stopped before unplugging. If I recall, they are rated up to 60A unless they have expanded the line. A great product.

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