Man its cold

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Went to a place today to troubleshoot a heater someone had hanging in a service garage (10 degrees outside with wind whipping through two double doors of this place, why didn't I stay in college ;) ) Anyways heater isn't working and they want me to look into a replacement. They want a gas heater that will hang in the air and pump some serious heat into a cold room. A nobody have any experience with this? Current location is being fed with a 3/4" gas line.
They want a gas heater that will hang in the air and pump some serious heat into a cold room. A nobody have any experience with this?

Sounds like they need a heating tech, not an electrician. Unless you want to count running the 120v for ignition power....
Last year, a mechanic called us, said they had two brand new fans to be mounted and electrified. Once there, I was asked to make sure I mounted the fans so the fans would blow hot air in the winter and cold air in the summer.

I told him I did not know how to do that, but I did know how to mount them to blow hot air in the summer and cold air in the winter!:grin:
Nice! I want to do the job it is a good client but also don't want to sell them something that doesn't solve their problem.
Find a heating guy maybe two someone you no and let them know you will be running a job installing a new gas fired heater would like a price and what he recommends you will be installing the electrical take more of a managerial part in this job oversee the heating guy schedule and price . of coarse you should be paid for this time your client will be happy you took care of this for him.
I just wrapped up a job at a steel fabrication facility hooking up a bunch of radiant heaters. The building is steel, uninsulated, full of holes, drafty and the garage doors are constantly being opened and closed as they bring beams in and out. In other words, the place is a nightmare to heat. The only viable option is radiant heat, which only warms objects and not air.
Find a heating guy maybe two someone you no and let them know you will be running a job installing a new gas fired heater would like a price and what he recommends you will be installing the electrical take more of a managerial part in this job oversee the heating guy schedule and price . of coarse you should be paid for this time your client will be happy you took care of this for him.

Good idea I will contact someone.
Modine is the probably the leading mfr. of unit heaters . You should be able to get them in 120/240/277v. models, nat. or LP gas. Have a htg. contr. look at it, determine BTU size, see if 3/4" gas line will carry it. Or look into infared heaters,many makes/models to choose from,a lot more efficient than unit heaters.
Find a heating guy maybe two someone you no and let them know you will be running a job installing a new gas fired heater would like a price and what he recommends you will be installing the electrical take more of a managerial part in this job oversee the heating guy schedule and price . of coarse you should be paid for this time your client will be happy you took care of this for him.

Bingo! That is how we do it to.
I just wrapped up a job at a steel fabrication facility hooking up a bunch of radiant heaters. The building is steel, uninsulated, full of holes, drafty and the garage doors are constantly being opened and closed as they bring beams in and out. In other words, the place is a nightmare to heat. The only viable option is radiant heat, which only warms objects and not air.

We just finished a rehab on one too, they dont heat at all. what a horrible way to make a living,whatever the outside temp is,[today was 14 degrees] the inside temp is the same.
High of 10 tomorrow.

You guys don't know cold. I spent most of day tied off on a roof with below zero winds. 17 degrees below zero windchill outside my door right now. :grin:
High of 10 tomorrow.

You guys don't know cold.
I don't wanna know that cold!

Monday, windchill of -21 and we worked on cattle waterer, broken neutral & "stray voltage". Afternoon call was better, hot tub wired by brother-in-law of customer was not working. It was better because I let the help work on it. They didn't complain. Customer's wife is quite pretty and personable even in insulated coveralls.

Yesterday morning -8 actual and the guys were crawling the sides of storage tanks looking for a fuse blower.

I was on planned vacation day with wife:D
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