how would you handle this..

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Charlie Bob

Senior Member
West Tennessee
I asked you all about a back up generator system instal.
Well i told my client the cheapest way to go and safest, needless to say he's been talking around, and come to me with jacked up installation propositions and so on. I told him i'd install a interlock kit, with a power inlet, on the outside 200 amp murray disconnect i install a few months ago for him. I'll get a gennie power cord 25' with L14-30 plugs 9male and female). Sound good right?

Well he don't want to include the interlock kit cause it'll raise he's materials about $185.00 more.
He insist he knows to cut off the main if he ever has to use his generator

At this time with the economy the way it is ,it's kinda hard to pass on jobs, i know around here he'll find people waiting in line to do it the way he wants it done.

Would you do it without the interlock kit?
I'm not confortable that way but it means he's way or not job.
the interlock kit is mandatory. don't get put in jail because a customer talked you into something that ends up killing a lineman.
Will your insurance cover the lineman that gets killed off him "accidentally forgetting" to turn off the main when he kicks on the generator and back feeds the transmission lines? Moneys tight but don't make that an excuse for doing an unsafe install.

My 2 cents. Merry Christmas.
I appreciated you all's input.
I feel the same way, and i'm gonna tell him i'd do it the right way or he can get somebody else.
I hate having to deal with stubborn, cheap customers though.
I had a home owner grumble and gripe about the cost or a transfer switch. Once I explained calmly and politely, but very directly that the reason for having one was a matter of life safety and not just a rule that needed to be followed he agreed to having one.

Some people don't like rules when they don't see the reason for them. Give him a good explanation, don't back down, and don't let him go ahead with out the interlock.

I need to add that I am related to two linemen.
I would tell him about the safety issue which I am sure you have already done, also tell him how when the power comes back on in neighborhood and his wife or son throws the main breaker back on without turning gen breaker off it will burn his generator up.

Cheap customers get what they deserve in the end, If he won't do it your way then let him hire some hack working out of an El Camino to hook it up for him.

I know times are rough right now, but think about when the Power company comes knocking on his think he won't say " well Ol Charlie Bob electric said it was ok like this and never gave me an option of a transfer switch"
Oh i almost forgot, if you just installed this panel you can easily get a factory interlock kit for about $70. What murray panel is it ? maybe I have the part number, we do a lot of generator hook ups down here
I had a home owner grumble and gripe about the cost or a transfer switch.
I had the same problem with a customer who insisted his double-male-ended cord was okay for me to re-use.

I refused, and he begrudgingly gave in and I changed the cord end.
I need to add that I am related to two linemen.
And you want to keep it that way. ;)
I asked you all about a back up generator system instal.
Well i told my client the cheapest way to go and safest, needless to say he's been talking around, and come to me with jacked up installation propositions and so on. I told him i'd install a interlock kit, with a power inlet, on the outside 200 amp murray disconnect i install a few months ago for him. I'll get a gennie power cord 25' with L14-30 plugs 9male and female). Sound good right?

Well he don't want to include the interlock kit cause it'll raise he's materials about $185.00 more.
He insist he knows to cut off the main if he ever has to use his generator

At this time with the economy the way it is ,it's kinda hard to pass on jobs, i know around here he'll find people waiting in line to do it the way he wants it done.

Would you do it without the interlock kit?
I'm not confortable that way but it means he's way or not job.

What a reputation to have hire that EC he will wire it anyway you want who cares about the code..It could be your last job hope you make enough for retirement..NO way dude I dont need work that bad...

Sorry for the snide remarks..Just say NO I only do Job that meet code.
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Just explain that it will be him, not you, that goes to jail and has to live with the fact that for $185.00 he took some ones life.
I know thing are tight and work is needed but I am a firm believer that if you walk away because he wont allow a safe install then something better will come your way because you did the right thing.
Not having a transfer switch is crazy dangerous IMO. The best/worst i've seen is an SO cord with a male dryer plug on one end and a male twist lock plug on the other.
Do it correct or not at all.

Do it correct or not at all.

Inform him that you will do it right or not at all. Walk away with your pride.
$100 is not enough money to do it wrong. Let someone else do it, wait for the next call to fix it, after it blows up. Do not let word get "around" that you will work for cheap by cutting corners, or everyone else will expect the same.
Good customers will shy away from calling the contrators who do poor/unsafe installs Let word get "around that you did a good job at a fair price. Cheap skates will eventually find someone else, Let some one else work cheap.
"I just couldn't believe it! I called an electrician, and he insisted on wiring it safely and legally! Some nerve!" :roll:
Would you do it without the interlock kit?
I'm not confortable that way but it means he's way or not job.

He is not asking you to not install the interlock, He is asking you to put your livelyhood,

license, and reputation on the line, so he can save a few bucks. I would consider that to

be an insult.
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