New WA State Permit Required Label

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tom baker

First Chief Moderator & NEC Expert
Staff member
Bremerton, Washington
Master Electrician
I noted a new lable on an electrical panel after an electrical inspection.
I agree with what our AHJ is doing. There are many unsafe installations especially on the residential side.

I think some may object to the yellow label on the front.
I noted a new lable on an electrical panel after an electrical inspection.
I agree with what our AHJ is doing. There are many unsafe installations especially on the residential side.

I think some may object to the yellow label on the front.

As long as it has the type of glue that does not stay on the panel when the lable is removed I see no problem with it.
enforcement will be impossible

enforcement will be impossible

It's a great concept but impossible to enforce. We have a licensing requirement in California that just came into effect a few years ago. That hasn't stopped any "wana be" electricians from advertising and doing electrical work. As far as requiring all electrical work to be permited is another for the wish list. All of the local jurisdictions both city and state can't/won't do much if anything about this. I can't get an inspector to get up into an attic to check anything that I've done, when remodeling an existing home. The CSLB spends money on doing a few "stings" every year or so after a big disaster, but not much else. The homeowner wants everything done cheap, which opens the door for problems. One homeowner asked if I was a licensed contractor, he looked unhappy when I told him I was and presented my pocket license. I'm surprised more homes don't burst into flames with the work that gets done, they all subscribe to the logic "if the switch works it's good".
I really don't think he has the right to deface a panel. Why not place it on the inside of door. Do any of you really think that sticker will stop anything ?

This is probably a sop to the electrical contractors and inspectors, and not anything substantial. Its no worse than the EC putting his ad sticker on the panel, although most of the time they do not put them where it is readily visible because they know that will aggravate the HO.
This is probably a sop to the electrical contractors and inspectors, and not anything substantial. Its no worse than the EC putting his ad sticker on the panel, although most of the time they do not put them where it is readily visible because they know that will aggravate the HO.
A sticker on the inside i would not argue with, do think it is worthless. Worked for a company that made us put his sticker on the front. We did it very neatly and panels were usually in garage. That is helpfull because customer will call the company that wired it.
I really don't think he has the right to deface a panel. Why not place it on the inside of door. Do any of you really think that sticker will stop anything ?

While it may not stop any "shady" work from being done, it definitely takes the "I didn't know it was illegal" out of the scenario.
Company label inside panel

Company label inside panel

I found a EC label inside of a panel on a home that was being sold. I got to provide an estimate for the repairs to the existing deficient electrical mod's. It made me think about the wisdom of placing a company label in the panel. I'm sure that any work that EC did who was proud of his work didn't think twice about putting his "Name" in the panel. The problem is then, you may end up being blamed for any sub-standard electrical work done (after you leave).
I had a job last week where the homeowner insisted I didn't use any stickers. They had some furnace work done where the furnace company put a huge service sticker on their new furnace, and put the same service sticker on their hot water heaters--covering the service sticker of the compnay which had instlaled those. I couldn't argue with them; defacing what, in the end, is customer property seems a pretty cheesy way to advertise.

Anyway, I agree that this label seems like a way to advertise for inspections. I don't see anything new in RCW 19.28.
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