Un Happy Customer 6 months later

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Senior Member
Central Florida
6 months ago we installed an exhaust fan in a sun room in the wall.
The customer wanted it installed because she smokes.
I get a call today from the lady, saying that she is no longer happy.
She feels that the fan is 2 loud and does not suck enough smoke out. I'm pretty sure the fan is still working correctly.

It almost sounds like she wants her money back or another fan installed or one in the ceiling, This is same lady that gave a good review of our company.

What would you guys do?
I would go check it out before offering to fix it or telling her to pound sand.

I got a call from a customer with a complaint that I was sure they where wrong about, came close to telling them to pond sand. I ended up taking the two hour drive and checking it out myself ........... the customer was right.
Did she provide the fan? If you provided it did you tell her it would remove the smoke at a certain degree? I would go check it out.If it was her idea and you provided the fan and the impression ALL of the smoke would be cleared then Id do it. If you only said it would help some Id say to make her happy I would eat the labor not the fan.
I would calculate the cubic footage of the room and see what the cfm of the fan is.If she needs the smoke exhausted faster a bigger fan i Guess.Fans are gonna be noisy for the CFM she may require.Research a better upgraded product which would cost her more i would probably deduct some of the original install to make the sale.
I would go check it out before offering to fix it or telling her to pound sand.

I got a call from a customer with a complaint that I was sure they where wrong about, came close to telling them to pond sand. I ended up taking the two hour drive and checking it out myself ........... the customer was right.

Very good advice. You should follow it (JMO).
(Sorry, can not stand smokers habits.)

Our last female receptionist was one and she had a deeper voice than Bass Willy. I used to do imitations and was right on, on pitch.

I guess their short lived life has as much value as you, me or anyone.

Cough, cough....... hack hack hack!

Ah to suck oxy from a bottle.

What a dream............. Eh?
Well, what did you sell her? I think I'd consider a swap out!

It seems that there is big difference in the major models availabe of just a Ultra-quiet operation, one at 0.5 sone of 135 CFM verse another ultra-quiet of 0.8 sone and 60 CFM. Both just being a typical bathroom vent fan.

Pop one out and put another one in. Good Luck!

The lower sone number is better
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Buy one that's designed to do what she wants. I think they call it a Smokealator or something like that. they have them in the smoking room here at the bowling alley.

Remember there are no unhappy customers, just ones you haven't taken care of yet.:)
If you do go and check it out, one of the reasons there may not be enough airflow would be that the room is sealed up to tight and there is no make up air and it is trying to create a vacuum.
one of the reasons there may not be enough airflow would be that the room is sealed up to tight and there is no make up air and it is trying to create a vacuum.

That or the fan's all cruddy with smoke, tar, dust, and other nasty stuff. Six months of heavy smoke will gum up almost any fan, except maybe an explosion-proof one. Think "kitchen exhaust fan" with uglier stuff.
That or the fan's all cruddy with smoke, tar, dust, and other nasty stuff. Six months of heavy smoke will gum up almost any fan, except maybe an explosion-proof one. Think "kitchen exhaust fan" with uglier stuff.

And just think of her lungs............
I saw an advertisement for the ionic bulb it is a fluorescent bulb that also cleans the air I read reviews on it and everyone says it works but I dont have first hand knowledge but it might be a inexpensive way of solving her problem with minimal effort at least she would think your trying to remedy the situation.
If you do go and check it out, one of the reasons there may not be enough airflow would be that the room is sealed up to tight and there is no make up air and it is trying to create a vacuum.

tkb's got a point here. It need some intake ventilation.

Also some of the drum type fans will start to touch the edges with the slightest imbalance. You may be able to straighten that out.

I seldom get call backs. But when I do and fix what ever it was. They will some times request an additional estimate on something else. This leads to more work to be done at an additional cost to them.
Or thier neighbors, cousins, etc...
I agree with TLB, six months ago it was warm when you installed the fan and the customer probably had a window or screen door open-a makeshift way to make up air. Oops, you are in FL. so forget what I just said, but I'll still bet on MUA. If you find something cool, like one of the ladies 128 cats stuck in the fan, please take pictures for show and tell!
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