Un Happy Customer 6 months later

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I agree with TLB, six months ago it was warm when you installed the fan and the customer probably had a window or screen door open-a makeshift way to make up air. Oops, you are in FL. so forget what I just said, but I'll still bet on MUA. If you find something cool, like one of the ladies 128 cats stuck in the fan, please take pictures for show and tell!

I would go out and see what is going on with it. I charge top dollar and when a customer calls me back for whatever reason I at least make a trip out of courtesy. This is what separates us from the fly by nighters.

On the other hand once you get there if the fan is the way you left it..well then either upsell a better fan or tell her to pick out a fan herself and you can install it
Loose screw rattling in the blades?

Being one of those hated smokers - you know - the ones paying for all those schools and roads.... Not that I'm proud of it - I need to quit some day - especially since 50-70% of the cost of smoking is taxes... Thank a smoker when you call 911.... ;):D

Anyway - I'd tell her that there is very little to do. You can put a really high CFM fan in there and it WILL SUCK! But the more you suck - the louder it will be.... And it will still not change the fact that she is smoking inside...

OBTW - in order to have the rated CFM of movement of air out - it needs to come from somewhere - i.e. 'make up air' Without it the damper may not even open, or flap, or sound funny like it is stalling. A while back I put in a bunch of central remote fans (just the electrical) got called back a few month later saying that they weren't working as well anymore... Made a humming and whistling noise... No longer sucking the fog from the bathroom like it used to.... When I got there I could hear the humming in the duct of the fan, but the whistling was coming from the window.... ;) Poor fan couldn't get enough air to move - crack the window just a little and whoosh....
6 months ago we installed an exhaust fan in a sun room in the wall.
The customer wanted it installed because she smokes.
I get a call today from the lady, saying that she is no longer happy.
She feels that the fan is 2 loud and does not suck enough smoke out. I'm pretty sure the fan is still working correctly.

It almost sounds like she wants her money back or another fan installed or one in the ceiling, This is same lady that gave a good review of our company.

What would you guys do?

This is a no-brainer to me. Check her complaint and make her happy.
(Sorry, can not stand smokers habits.)

Our last female receptionist was one and she had a deeper voice than Bass Willy. I used to do imitations and was right on, on pitch.

I guess their short lived life has as much value as you, me or anyone.

Cough, cough....... hack hack hack!

Ah to suck oxy from a bottle.

What a dream............. Eh?
this quote should have been in my post to give context
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