Panel CLOSE to entryway. Awkward or Violation???

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Canton, MI
So I don't think there is anything in the NEC to prohibit this install but I am not sure if this will be an issue with IBC etc.

While I HATE putting a surface mounted panel that close to the door I may not have any other choice due to the location of the Buss Duct :(

Is this just awkward or am I going to get slapped by an inspector for this install?
Sorry let me clarify:

There are two (stacked on top of eachother) amp panels and two (stacked on top of eachother) nac panels on that wall.

The question I have is... is there anything in any code that would prohibit me from placing that equipment OR any electrical panel in that space?

The fire alarm/electrical panels will shoot out about 6inches from the wall.

So would the space of 2'2" at the door be ok? Or is there any code that would red flag this?

Now the other stuff in the picture is a buss duct (small box), additional fire alarm panel (east wall) and two panel boards (southwall).

Because of the existing location of the buss duct we have very little space to work with :-x
So I don't think there is anything in the NEC to prohibit this install but I am not sure if this will be an issue with IBC etc.

While I HATE putting a surface mounted panel that close to the door I may not have any other choice due to the location of the Buss Duct :(

Is this just awkward or am I going to get slapped by an inspector for this install?

I don't see any NEC violation.

Its possible it violates some other code.
Currently we meet the 30" clearance at the panel face. :)

Checking with some architects as well regarding this issue. Thanks again for your thoughts on this issue guys.

BTW on that same "fitting 10lb of stuff on a 5lb bag" note...

Any issues/comments with using a column type Panelboard? May need to stick one or two in some of these closets if push comes to shove.

Are they any harder to wire/install than a traditional 20" panel?
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