MC Cable Installation

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Yes, but this should work:

thats just wrong
OMG! Truely pitiful. Make them fix that black bonding jumper while you are at it.

I agree with the "pitiful", but can you give me a Code reference on the black grounding electrode violation.
Give me a few minutes, I have to go get my code book. I thought there was something about grounded and grounding conductors with insulation that were#6 or smaller not being phase taped.
no argument from me, but grounding electrode conductors ??????
Okay Augie, teach this young pup. What am I doing wrong. I do not understand how that wire is a GEC. I would have thought that it was a EBJ and sized by T250.122 according to 250.102(D)
Bonding jumpers are sized to 250.66 not 250.122. T. 250. 122 is for EGC. The black wire looks like a bond for the steel mesh that is there. I know a GEC does not need to be taped green but am not sure about a bond wire. I believe it is okay as is.
I wonder if you ran the wires into a pvc sleeve with a connector (like a 2"1/2)or 2 of them
if it would be code compliant. Like you can do with romex on a surface mount.
Or are you required to use a connector for each piece of mc? Not going to mention the bonding method :D
Maybe the location of this would shed some light on the situation. Mexico, perhaps? The Carribbean? Some other remote island that only follows the NEC in principle? This can't possibly be mainland USA. Or could it???? :-?

I was wondering the location also.
It should be a requirement while signing up for the forum, to have a location as mandatory.

Also the correct spelling is Caribbean.:D
I wonder if you ran the wires into a pvc sleeve with a connector (like a 2"1/2)or 2 of them
if it would be code compliant. Like you can do with romex on a surface mount.
Or are you required to use a connector for each piece of mc? Not going to mention the bonding method :D
The rope-a-dope method [cringe]allowed[/cringe] by the NEC for romex is not allowed anywhere (thankfully) else in the code. I have trouble understanding why it is even allowed with romex since it would not be secured to the conduit appropriately, or withing the enclosure. It therefore contradicts other code sections as a concession to the hack.... JMSO
Under the influence of what drug did the AHJ think this was ok?
I've seen better work out of a home owner being coached by the guy from lawn and garden at one of the big box stores.:roll:
I would prefer to avoid mentioning the location of this project until the dispute is resolved. However, I will say that it is, indeed, in the good ol' USA.

Thank you all for your input and remarks.
330.10.a.6 - Is it identified for use in cable tray?
392.6.a - "Conductors shall be secured to the cable tray at the transition.......... protected....... from physical damage."
330.40 - Is a 3" emt connector a listed "fitting used for connecting mc cable to boxes"?

I'm sure there are more.
Wow, I am going to thank all of my inspectors next time I see them. They can't be serious about this passing inspection and then they are defending it .
found another one.

300-16-a - fitting required when making transition from MC cable to open wiring. (i don't think black tape will qualify)
That photo has to be one of the more shocking things I've seen in a long time - not because it's the worst violation, but because of the setting. I mean, brand new commercial installation that looks like nothing I've ever seen in my life. They even went through the trouble to cut away the wires from the tray that would have been hitting the unistrut... OMG. I wouldn't even service an install like that.

On a side note for the guys who are booing running NM down a PVC sleeve - If you jam enough of them in there tightly enough, you could say they're "mechanically" fastened ;) I've only ever done it once in my career, and it's not something I'm proud of.
How about whiles the MC may be listed for CT use, the conductors may not be, because "no one really knows what type of conductor is inside the cable jacket" as postulated on many other threads on this forum.

EMT connector is not listed for use with MC.

So what happened, someone stripped all of the HR's too short thinking there was going to be a trough?
How about whiles the MC may be listed for CT use, the conductors may not be, because "no one really knows what type of conductor is inside the cable jacket" as postulated on many other threads on this forum.

EMT connector is not listed for use with MC.

So what happened, someone stripped all of the HR's too short thinking there was going to be a trough?

Is this really a cable tray???? Single conductors in a CT shall be 1/0 or larger. Mc is allowed but not stripped.

392.3(B) In Industrial Establishments. The wiring methods in Table 392.3(A) shall be permitted to be used in any industrial establishment under the conditions described in their respective articles. In industrial establishments only, where conditions of maintenance and supervision ensure that only qualified persons service the installed cable tray system, any of the cables in 392.3(B)(1) and (B)(2) shall be permitted to be installed in ladder, ventilated trough, solid bottom, or ventilated channel cable trays.
(1) Single Conductors. Single-conductor cables shall be permitted to be installed in accordance with (B)(1)(a) through (B)(1)(c).
(a) Single-conductor cable shall be 1/0 AWG or larger and shall be of a type listed and marked on the surface for use in cable trays. Where 1/0 AWG through 4/0 AWG single-conductor cables are installed in ladder cable tray, the maximum allowable rung spacing for the ladder cable tray shall be 225 mm (9 in.).
(b) Welding cables shall comply with the provisions of Article 630, Part IV.
(c) Single conductors used as equipment grounding conductors shall be insulated, covered, or bare, and they shall be 4 AWG or large
all odf the mc I use has a tag which gives the conductor typ which I believe is also labeled on the wire thhn. What a shocking picture of poor wormanship not to mention the several code violations.
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