NM stapled to bottom of joists above dropped ceiling?

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334.15 (B) question. Isn't it permissible to attach (staple) NM smaller than 6-2 and 8-3 to the bottom side of floor joists (as opposed to bored holes) when there is a lay-in ceiling installed below? I just want to be sure before I go installing about 30 can lights in a residential basement. I contend that this complies with 334.15 Exposed and 334.12 Uses Permitted.
334.15 (C) is titled unfinished basements and crawl space you discription does not indicate that the area is unfinished. But the cavity is exposed if the tiles may be easily removed. Physical protection may be required per in (A) and (B).
Locally, as long as it's residential and as long as the area is finsihed, including proper placement of wall reeptacles, you are fine.
I have done this before. of course on a residential application but you may want to ask your inspector because it is a little fuzzy on the application . No sense arguing after you have installed the product.
Yes, it is a consensus that our AHJs and Inspectors say that the install is compliant to the NEC: however, you still need to talk to your AHJ/ inspector for his opinion and check for any amendments that may pertain. What is compliant in one location, may not be in another.

So true, and I've done it a few times. But I will say that I had an inspector try to tell me that was for unfinished basements only. I believe he had a point. BUT,,,I went on to tell him that simply adding a drop ceiling does not make the basement finished. It's not finished until meeting all the requirements of 210
334.15 (B) question. Isn't it permissible to attach (staple) NM smaller than 6-2 and 8-3 to the bottom side of floor joists (as opposed to bored holes) when there is a lay-in ceiling installed below? I just want to be sure before I go installing about 30 can lights in a residential basement. I contend that this complies with 334.15 Exposed and 334.12 Uses Permitted.

1st question. No.

Yes it complies with 334.15 (yes it complies with being exposed) & 334.12 (334.12(A)((1) takes you to 334.15(exposed)).
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