Ran into a good one today!

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Old building appears to be about 35 yrs old with 12 office units , electrical room at the end of the complex.

In the beginning it looks like what they had was a 600 amp 3 phase MDP with 60 amp 3 phase service to each unit , MDP fed from ct cabnit.

now here is what is there now.

6 meters that feed 6 - 200 amp 3 phase MLO panels each MLO panel has a 70 amp 3 pole breaker that feeds the unit - this old MDP is now a junction/connection box and what they did is run the feeders from the OLD MDP to each MLO panel to the 70 amp 3 pole breaker then split bolt every thing in the old MDP about 24 split bolts and the old busing was left in place and NO main disconnect at each MLO.

a 7th meter that feeds another 200 amp 3 phase MLO panel ( ALSO NO MAIN DISCONNECT } that feeds the other 6 units with 6 - 60 amp 3 pole breakers one for each of those 6 units.

Never seen such a mess and how he got away with it when ever it was done is beyond me.

What he wants to do now is put the other 6 units on there own meters ( my exact words to him were time an material not to exceed $ 75,000.00 then I went on to explain the existing violations and what needed to be done.

If I have to go back there for anything I will take pictures to post , you guys would not believe it.
What he wants to do now is put the other 6 units on there own meters ( my exact words to him were time an material not to exceed $ 75,000.00 then I went on to explain the existing violations and what needed to be done.

If I have to go back there for anything I will take pictures to post , you guys would not believe it.

Please post pictures, and YES I would believe it.

My napkin estimate:

12-meter meterpak with main disconnect..... $15,000
12 units connected to meter..................... $12,000
Labor, misc, grounding, etc.................... $25,000

I'd probably do it for $50,000.

Edit: Someone will do it for $20,000
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Please post pictures, and YES I would believe it.

My napkin estimate:

12-meter meterpak with main disconnect..... $15,000
12 units connected to meter..................... $12,000
Labor, misc, grounding, etc.................... $25,000

I'd probably do it for $50,000.

Edit: Someone will do it for $20,000

At 75k max at T & M I am covered.
Please post pictures, and YES I would believe it.

My napkin estimate:

12-meter meterpak with main disconnect..... $15,000
12 units connected to meter..................... $12,000
Labor, misc, grounding, etc.................... $25,000

I'd probably do it for $50,000.

Edit: Someone will do it for $20,000

Well we didn't get the job it was given to someone for $13,700.00 , now how can anyone touch that for that price also all the violations that need to be addressed, it's beyond me.

Well we didn't get the job it was given to someone for $13,700.00 .......

Wow, that's pretty low.

I was high on my $50K, but I thought I was pretty close on $20K. Just under 14K must not markup material much (if at all) and expects it to go together without junction boxes, splices, or conduit/cable extensions.
Well we didn't get the job it was given to someone for $13,700.00 , now how can anyone touch that for that price also all the violations that need to be addressed, it's beyond me.


The low ball quote was probably from the same outfit that did the previous work.:grin: Be nice if you could get back and see the new installation after it's done.
The low ball quote was probably from the same outfit that did the previous work.:grin: Be nice if you could get back and see the new installation after it's done.

I would like to be there the first time the Electrical Inspector arrives.

Oh Boy


Are you implying that individual service disconnects are required for the other meters? (I don't think you are but I just wanted to be sure).

I don't know what I was thinking. :roll:
Since there is a main forget my sleepy first response. :)


Doesn't the wire coming out of the meter require O. C. protection? Or a disconnect?
Well we didn't get the job it was given to someone for $13,700.00 , now how can anyone touch that for that price also all the violations that need to be addressed, it's beyond me.


If that Contractor only installs 6 new sub meters (without a permit) next to the old "MDP" he is making a killing @ $13K.

Days labor for 2 men.......$456
6 sub meters (assumed 208V 3 phase) $2400
Raceway and conduits for CT wiring $200

They could meter them that way and the EC is not be held responsible for the existing wiring because they never touched or made any repairs.

He should however note on his invoice that there are violations which the owner chose not to address.

Even better to convince the owner that the job needs permitted. Quote low for the meters to get the job. Call for the first inspection and have the inspector mandate that the violations need corrected. Now the owner has to use you for the corrections.

Just saying it's a possibilty this may be what happened....???


Am I the only one who thinks the feeders should be fused at their respective rated amperage? Obviously the wire in the 1-1/4" conduit should not be fused at 400A as the size of the switch suggests.
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