Flexible Cords Article#400

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Senior Member
in article 400 it addresses flexible cords and in 400.8 "Uses Not Permitted" (5) "Where concealed by walls, floors, or ceilings or located above suspended or dropped ceilings" I take this to indicate any ceiling mounted equipment such as TV's, Projectors, etc with cord an plug connections are prohibited from routing their "cords" thru the mounting device to a receptacle above the suspended (lay-in) grid ceiling system, a receptacle flush in the ceiling is acceptable and even a receptacle above the ceiling space is acceptable but not the "cord" connecting the equipment to the receptacle if routed above the grid. Does this sound correct? Are there any exceptions other that those listed in 400.7 anywhere in the code I am missing??
I agree with Rob,

There are no exceptions that would permit flexible cord to be installed above a suspended ceiling.

the first sentence in 400.8 *Unless specifically permitted in 400.7*

the first sentence in 400.8 *Unless specifically permitted in 400.7*

in article 400 it addresses flexible cords and in 400.8 "Uses Not Permitted" (5) "Where concealed by walls, floors, or ceilings or located above suspended or dropped ceilings" I take this to indicate any ceiling mounted equipment such as TV's, Projectors, etc with cord an plug connections are prohibited from routing their "cords" thru the mounting device to a receptacle above the suspended (lay-in) grid ceiling system, a receptacle flush in the ceiling is acceptable and even a receptacle above the ceiling space is acceptable but not the "cord" connecting the equipment to the receptacle if routed above the grid. Does this sound correct? Are there any exceptions other that those listed in 400.7 anywhere in the code I am missing??

Mike, I have automatic door openers control equipment located above the "lay-in" ceiling the is cord connected to a receptacle above the ceiling. Does Act. 400.7(A)(8) & (B) allow this equipment?
What would it take (i.e., how much effort) to disconnect the equipment, and remove it from the ceiling space? Is there a periodic (e.g., monthly) requirement to remove the equipment, bring it back to a lab space, clean and test it, then put it back?

If the answers are that you first would need to de-tension and disconnect the chain that operates the door, then unbolt the equipment from its mounting plate, and if this is something that you only do on the rare occasion that you need to replace it because it had failed, then you are not permitted to use flexible cords and receptacle outlets to feed that equipment.
Card readers

Card readers

I also have card readers with low voltage transformers that have factory power cords simular to computer power cords that are located above the ceiling. How do you power such an item, that nobody wants to see exposed below the ceiling.
I also have card readers with low voltage transformers that have factory power cords simular to computer power cords that are located above the ceiling. How do you power such an item, that nobody wants to see exposed below the ceiling.

Is the power cord of a type listed in 400.4?

Sometimes the cable from the low voltage transformer is a class 2 or class 3 cable and Article 400 would not apply.

I also have card readers with low voltage transformers that have factory power cords simular to computer power cords that are located above the ceiling. How do you power such an item, that nobody wants to see exposed below the ceiling.

Too bad. "It's ugly / unsightly" isn't justification to violate the code.
Show them the verbiage in 90.1.

You're the guy from Article 100 - where it defines Qualified Person.
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