No NEC on CD-ROM in 2011

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After not seeing any mention of a CD-ROM version in the new NFPA catalog, I sent an email to them asking if they were going to produce one for the 2011 and receive the following reply:

"We will not be offering the 2011 NEC and NEC Handbook in a CD format. The NEC PDF will be available as a download from our Website in September when the print version is available. The 2011 NEC Handbook will be available as a PDF download in November."

I don't know about you guys, but I really liked to copy and paste sections as well as commentary and pictures from the Handbook as well as the ability to do a keyword search.
Interesting. I liked the CD version, 05 was bad as could not install on computer, 08 was OK could install on two computers.
The way I understand it is, it will still be searchable but I'm not sure how easy it will be to copy and paste from.

Well that just put a cap on my already crappy day. I guess on the bright side, I just saved around 4 bills.
We should all advise our AHJs to not adopt the 2011 NEC until the NFPA changes this policy.

I know, that will never happen, but hitting the NFPA in the pocketbook is the only way to get their attention. The sales of the NEC and associated documents provides a large portion of the NFPAs operating budget.
Our AHJ is on the 2005 and will stay there until the afci's are gone. The state passed a law to a uniform building code, and to adopt the 2008, so far the AHJ's are fighting them on this. AHJ stated that the courts are the only one that will make me change it. Maybe they will start lowering their code book prices when they cannot sell a 2008 or a 2011.
Does anyone know why they've adopted this policy? CD's costs cents to burn and they charge an arm and a leg for them. Seems like if money were an issue they would abandon printing code books instead. They charge less for the books and they're much more costly to produce.
We have the same problem at our base. The NFPA has converted everything to a digital copyright PDF version. The new copyright PDF format requires your computers to uplink to their servers to make sure it is actually you, and the machine you ordered the product at.

We ordered a few thousand dollars worth of PDFs to find out we cannot view them. Our IT department will not allow our servers to connect with Adobe at the point either. Frustrating.
Our AHJ is on the 2005 and will stay there until the afci's are gone. The state passed a law to a uniform building code, and to adopt the 2008, so far the AHJ's are fighting them on this. AHJ stated that the courts are the only one that will make me change it. Maybe they will start lowering their code book prices when they cannot sell a 2008 or a 2011.

They'll just sell more '05s. :cool:
I replied to the NFPA with the following question and comment:
"Any idea yet what the cost of this PDF version might be?

I hate to hear that the CD format will no longer be available. I found it most useful."

And received the following reply:
"The PDF versions are the same price as the printed. I understand your disappointment not being able to purchase the CD any longer. I apologize for any inconvenience."

Maybe if enough users voice their displeasure...?

This is all about money. They don't want people copying the CD's and giving them to other people who have not paid for the material.
This is all about money. They don't want people copying the CD's and giving them to other people who have not paid for the material.

I guess the $149.00 question ($134.10 for NFPA members, of course ;)) is can we still install it on one PC and one laptop and/or will we have to have internet access each time we use the PDF file? I've used secured PDF documents in the past that required internet access each time before you could open the file. The internet access requirement will be a deal breaker for me if that is the case. That's one of the main reasons I haven't forked out the money for necplus.
To say the PDF version is available, I have to think to myself what will be truely available!

IE; Is it a case where (like I) only use the PDF Adobe Reader, verses the people that have the fully licensed version of Adobe Reader... it was clarified to me that is not the problem.

So no Search, No Print, cyphered through Easyread will only help but maintain their copyright. Good Luck Girls and Boys...
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