No NEC on CD-ROM in 2011

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Does anyone know why they've adopted this policy? CD's costs cents to burn and they charge an arm and a leg for them. Seems like if money were an issue they would abandon printing code books instead. They charge less for the books and they're much more costly to produce.

Very likely they are worried about illegal copies. There are plenty of programs that beat copy right protection

I check out the site a little, anyone know how much the subscription is? I'm sure they will tell you when you subscribe, but don't seem to mention it otherwise.

I don't have too much interest in subscribing as long as I have to use the 2008 NEC which I use my CD ROM version a lot, but if they are not putting the 2011 on CD then this looks like it is what it is being replaced with.

As far as illegal copies, there will be people that find a way to get unpaid subscriptions to this also. That game will never end.
Right now there is a special limited time offer for a free PDF copy of the 2011 NEC included in the back cover of the softbound edition of the 2011 NEC. I purchased my NEC at the local supply house for $59.00 and downloaded the PDF to my work computer.

Right now there is a special limited time offer for a free PDF copy of the 2011 NEC included in the back cover of the softbound edition of the 2011 NEC. I purchased my NEC at the local supply house for $59.00 and downloaded the PDF to my work computer.


$59.00-- It cost me $73.00 (I think):) It is amazing how the cost difference varies.
$59.00-- It cost me $73.00 (I think):) It is amazing how the cost difference varies.

Agreed, up at the Northwest section meeting of the IAEI they had the 2011 on sale for $70.00.

My supply house buys a limited supply at the beginning and sells them at basically cost. After the first batch is gone though if they bring in more they always charge more.

I did and was told that the company that developed and supported the software is no longer around, FWIW.:roll:

I tried to use the same software (on-line) from another publication, and it would not function on my old computer. Now that I switched to Linux perhaps I'll try again. So, maintaining compatibility with various older OS systems could be a problem. :)
$59.00-- It cost me $73.00 (I think):) It is amazing how the cost difference varies.

I just received my 2011 today cost me $56.00 this included whatever shipping charges were. I buy them through a trade association organization. They purchase them on prepublishing programs and the sooner you get your order in the lower the price. They make little or no profit on them so they want payment when they order them because they need to pay when they make their order. I actually paid for mine back in December.

We had it pointed out to us in the past in CEU classes offered by this organization that if you purchased one of these early copies that there can be errors in them - usually typographical type errors, that if you look in a later copy it will have been corrected.
Right now there is a special limited time offer for a free PDF copy of the 2011 NEC included in the back cover of the softbound edition of the 2011 NEC. I purchased my NEC at the local supply house for $59.00 and downloaded the PDF to my work computer.


My suspicion is the free version will be limited to the copies sold at the IAEI meetings, to encourage us to attend and thank those who attended. We'll know in a few months. One local wholesale house, Platt Electric, is taking preorders for $47.00 each.
..............We had it pointed out to us in the past in CEU classes offered by this organization that if you purchased one of these early copies that there can be errors in them - usually typographical type errors, that if you look in a later copy it will have been corrected.

Look on the inside of the front cover, at the bottom. There's two sets of numbers. The first set will be something like 15 14 13 12 11 10 followed by 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1.

My understanding is, the lowest number in the first set is for the year of the printing, the highest number in the second set for the month. So if your '11 was printed in August of 2010, you should see 15 14 13 12 11 10 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1. November of this year? 15 14 13 12 11 10 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1. Copies printed in March of 2013 will have 15 14 13 3 2 1.

Maybe the '11 will have an errata published, too. Or else the NFPA doesn't make mistakes any more.
Look on the inside of the front cover, at the bottom. There's two sets of numbers. The first set will be something like 15 14 13 12 11 10 followed by 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1.

My understanding is, the lowest number in the first set is for the year of the printing, the highest number in the second set for the month. So if your '11 was printed in August of 2010, you should see 15 14 13 12 11 10 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1. November of this year? 15 14 13 12 11 10 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1. Copies printed in March of 2013 will have 15 14 13 3 2 1.

Maybe the '11 will have an errata published, too. Or else the NFPA doesn't make mistakes any more.

Why Don't They just print a born on date in the code like.20100923-23:47EST

I really liked the CD too. With only two EEs in our firm, the two copies worked very nicely.

One of the many, many NFPA junk mails I recieved was one that tells me if I buy a one year subscription to NECPlus (for 119.95), I can get an '11 code book for free. But needing an internet connection would still make this limiting on the road.
True, maybe they have made the perfect NEC.:D


So, no more changes!
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